Fight Club – training makes the difference

Event Date

Oct 14, 2016

8 strong and brave warriors, from Race City, woke up early to train their minds and bodies in the ancient arts.  Hurricane (not listed on the site but is Crack 2.0) was the youngest of the group and he proved that he can learn far faster than us old guys.  The ability to block is one of the most important skills that can be mastered.  It allows the mind the freedom it needs to evaluate the situation and determine the most effective counter-measures.  In keeping with this theory the group spent a good portion of the time practicing blocks and then blocks with counter-measures.   Each paired up to practice the drills  and tried not to cause too much pain in the opponent. But as each found out,  training to fight requires sacraficing the body to a certain degree of pain and bruises.  Once the basic drills were completed we moved to defense and control of a knife weidling opponent.  The early introduction of this type of dangerous situation is required to gain the confidence and ability to handle such a critical situation. Motorboat was kind enough to supply the group with a few rubber knives,, leaving the rest to use the plastic utensils that I had brought with me (dont tell my M, I am certain she will be looking for these at the next outdoor party for the kids).  For those that have been attending regularly the effect of the training is becoming noticable.  The smoothness of the moves and the stability and imporved balance can be seen to the trained eye. This progression will be aparant to all in short order and they will notice their own ability to perform each drill with ease.  When this happens we will advance to a bit more of a combative training,  thereby training not only the muscle memory but the timing and speed required for an outside encounter. 

The Thang


defense against round punches ( repeated strikes with each hand causing the opponent to block)




-definied and demonstrated effective body movement when striking with fist.  Example given was to stand facing wall and push fist into wall.  without leaning and utilizing rotational forces observe the coordination of the leg, hips shoulders and arm during the push. This is the exact coordination of the body part required to delever a powerful and effective straight punch or strike.  It maintains the balance and utilizes the entire body and rotational forced to generate the maximum amount of force.


-inside Cross over block, to arm devastaion

– center tap leg control roundhouse

– center tap leg control sidekick

– outside double tap leg control

– out triple tap leg control to hook kick

defense against grabs

straight wrist grab

– hand release strike to face

– hand release strike to biceps , strike to jaw

cross wrist grab

– grab hand , elbow strike while stepping

single lapel

– atemi to forearm

double choke

– one knuckle to sternum

– trap hand, strike to throat

knife attacks and defenses

knife to neck

– rotate away from knife while blocking, grasp wrist with other hand, strike biceps, strike face

knife to stomach

– rotate away from knife, block to outside of arm, strike hand holding knife, strike face


Time goes so quickly when training.  The group started at 0500 with some at 0530 and we still have to move quickly to practice these moves.  I hope I am giving enough time and attension to all. 


Thank you for allowing me to share this passion of mine with this group of fine men.