Fight Club – you have to fight

Event Date

Sep 23, 2016

Six strong men braved the dangers of the riots to make their way to the battle ground hoping to test their skills and push their bodies in combat.  The group cautiously circled each other, sizing up various opponents,,, eventually deciding on who they would fight with this morning. The numbers are growing indicating that the Pax is breaking the first two Rules of Fight Club.  But all are welcome as we practice the ancient arts.  A few have asked about the style that is practiced at these workouts.  The system that is being practiced will be learned through repeated drills to engrain the techniques into a muscle memory. The system is taken from three main arts – Aiki Jiujitsu, Iron Shirt Kungfu, and Dimak. The Kungfu and JiuJitsu train the body and mind to defend itself and how to attack the body while maintaining balance and rotation. Dimak is the art that trains you what to do once the hand get to meet the body. My favorite translation for Dimak is Poison Hand.  If you look it up on the internet you will find a lot of fantasy descriptions for the art. It is actually the application of knowledge.  We learn how the body functions and why,, and use this knowledge to effectively dismantle the opponenets body.

The thang

We got right into drills since time goes by so quickly.


-center tap leg control roundhouse

-outside double tap leg control

-outside triple tap leg control to hookkick

-inside crossover block to arm devestation

defense agaist grabs

Straight wrist grab

-hand release, bicept punch, wrist to jaw

cross wrist grab

-grab wrist, elbow break while stepping

single lapel grab

-atemi (pressure point) attack to forearm (LI10)

-trap hand, bicep strike, wrist to jaw

double choke

-one knuckle to sternum

-trap wirst, strike to throat

Good work by all,  this system is not easy but eventually will become second nature.

It was a pleasure to lead this group in battle.  I look forward to moving forward to share what has been taught to me by some incredible martial artists.