Fightclub – attacking is just like defending

Event Date

Mar 16, 2018

A warm morning, what a pleasure it was getting out their in the gloom without freezing.  After missing last week and laying off the workouts for the past two weeks YHC wanted to review some of the basic concepts of attacking.  We have been focusing on the defenses,, because getting hit sucks and we need to make sure we can block and control any weapons coming at us so we can move on to the attacks.  Attacks are important because without the attacks it is difficult to defeat someone that is intent on causing us harm.  But attacking and defending become one in the same.  We focus on the same concepts.  We control the weaons, destroy what is presented to us and move in to center line attacks.  We started with the hand and leg drills,, why because as it turns out these movements and sequences, that we have been using, to train the hands to do three things at once. And these techniques are exactly the techniques we use in defense and / or attacks.  The pax broke into groups and I took the new guy , Miyagi, for some basic instruction.  Some horseplay is expected, espeically between Chief and Motorboat,, but as the saying goes,,, it is all fun and games until someone gets shot in the leg.  (yes a movie reference,, hint ; starred Bruce Willis). Anyway, Chief and motorboat wound up practicing the techniques in real time and Chief found that the results can be somewhat disabling.  But Chief enjoys getting hit,, not kidding.  It is always good to test ourselves but care should be taken because these techniques are designed to dismantel the human body.  Which can be painful at times.  And speaking of painful techniques,,, we also reviewed some of the "very not nice" things to do when someone decides to bring their face close to your hands.  We practiced the Body grabs, ear tears, carotid tear, eye tears and collar bone grab with throat grab.  Each a favorite of YHC and each very effective for discouraging an attacker from continuing his course of action.  The last technique we reviewed was the side and rear "naked" chokes.  Dont know why they are called these names but that is how they were labelled when YHC learned them. The common term is the "sleeper hold".  This is a very dangerous technique and care shoud be taken to use it only when absolutely necessary.  But what is very important to understand is how easily a small mistake will allow us to place the attacker into a very compromising and deadly position,,, but it also means that the same small mistakes on our part will allow an attacker to do the same to us.  SO in practicing the application of these moves it is important to understand the liabilities created by every move or mistake that occurs and how we must prevent the mistakes that allow this to be done to us.

Once again I am honored to have this group of men to train with.  Thank you for allowing me to share this art with you fine men.  Stay safe and be vigilant.