Fightclub – balance and leverage

Event Date

Jul 24, 2020

It was great to be out there this morning training with some fine men. For some time we have been training in separate parts of the battle, but this morning we started brining several parts together. When the fight starts, we are typically standing,, strikes are thrown and then the attacker often tries to take us to the ground. So we must recognize what is happening and how to take advantage of his attack. Balance and movement are very important as well as applying the right kind of directional force and leverage. 
we started with our basic three point attack and recovery from a low tackler response from the attacker. Maintaining balance in ourselves while taking it from the attacker allows us to inflict a good amount of damage in order to discourage a continuance of the attacks. We have options at this point to either disable immediately or to take the attacker to the ground to investigate a variety of painful alternatives. 
We then moved to trap fighting and the progression it allows while on the ground. Again, fighting from the ground requires control of balance and leverage, and most importantly ,,,, the use of the legs are extremely important. We can't win a ground fight without using our legs. Actually we can't win any battle without the proper use of our legs. And in trap fighting We learn the proper use of applied force using the legs which am enables us to take control and inflict the appropriate amount of damage to disable any further attacks.

At the end of the session this morning we reviewed the skill set for manipulating the body and body parts. This becomes ever more useful the more it is practiced.  

It is always an honor to train with you fine men. Thank you for then chance to share this art with you.

