Fightclub – blocking and fighting

Event Date

Dec 27, 2019

We had a good day of training this morning. The main focus was on two sections of fighting,,, blocking and targeting while moving to the outside.

we have been blocking for some time, but this morning we broke down the techniques a bit more to discover the advantages of each type of block that we have so far. (Straight block, fan block, trap block and dimmak blocks). Applying these to the outside of the attackers arm is quite different than the inside of the arm, and will open completely different doorways for the application of attacks and movement. When moving to the outside (following a block to the outside of the attackers strike) the control of the shoulder or elbow will control the attackers ability to move and give clear access to the back of the attacker. But certain liabilities remain that we must control,,, such as the other elbow and the danger to our legs. Watching and feeling for the shift in body movement or weight will tell us what danger is about to be presented. The targets are limited when moving to the outside and back. Of those that are available (SP21, kidneys, spine, jaw, deaf point, throat and legs) sp21 and the kidneys are easiest to access. The deaf point and jaw have limited access because of the shoulder so a different angle of attack is required, therefore movement is essential. We therefore practiced these positions over and again to gain understanding of what needs to be done to disable the attacker. We traded partners multiple times to feel the difference in different people. 
The time went far too quickly but we achieved some good training this morning. We are moving into a section of training that will become much more fun. The timing and responses of our bodies need to be increased to real time, so we will be increasing the intensity a bit in order to allow the body to learn to act without thought behind the moves. Pressure and stress will help bring this about, but more about that next week.

Thank you for allowing YHC to share this art with you fine men.  

Tick Tock
