Fightclub – destroy what is attacking

Event Date

Nov 04, 2016

The battle group gathered early this morning as everyone arrived at 0500 to make the most of the morning training. Plinko and Hummer joined us this morning and were intiated into the mix.Training can seem repetitive, but that is by design.  The body must know what it is doing without the input from the mind for every part of a move.  Many of the tasks required to survive an altercation are not natural in response or execution.  So it is normal to go through a period of adjustment as the mind and body learns a new way of acting during a fight.  The YHC was pleased to see the enthusiasm and effort produced by each, and I beg the pardon of each for the sometimes haphazard flow of the training.  Especially this morning as I veered from the originally designed lesson plan to address what was apparantly of interest to most. It is diificult to space out enough time to teach and pratice each concept and move.  But as these become part of us, the group will find that each new techinque will be easier to learn than the last.  Fighting becomes more about how someone views the battle and the position in which you find yourself.  It is hoped that a variety of options will be presented and trained to give each a number of options for a succesful outcome.  Each person has had a different life experiance and this will help in the training of others.  If, at any time, a question as to the effectiveness, liabilities or possible options or counters comes to mind,, please speak up.  Your thoughts may help everyone and may even change the way YHC understands the dynamics of a situation.  And if there are any conditions in a fight that are of concern to anyone,,,, we should address those,,,, it is likely a concern to many.  Case in point,,,, ground fighting is concern to most.  With the increase in MMA trained fighters and wrestlers,,,,, and considering the probability of going to the gorund,,, it is important that we understand the mistakes to avoid and the options available for the succesful resolution of a dangerous situation.    

The thang

– Inside Cross over block to arm devestation

– inside cross over block rib strike face strike

– center tap leg control roundhouse

–  center tap leg control side kick

– outside double tap leg control

– outside triple tap leg control hookkick

– outside double step control, step out, side kick leg break

defense against grabs

 straight wirst

– hand release, bicept bunch, wrist to jaw

– hand release, step strike to jaw

cross wrist

– grab wirst, elbow break while stepping

– grab wirst , break arm

single lapel

– atemi to forearm

double choke

– one knuckle to sternum

– trap wrist, stike to throat


Control head and neck

– grasp neck, use shoulder to control rotation, hand to throat and press toward spine

– grasp neck, use shoulder to control rotation, head koto (push in upward rotation)

– move to back, grab hair, pull straight back and then drive head to ground

– move to back, grab eye sockets, pull straight back and drive head to ground


Theory of movement

Three basic direction of attack

– angel on 45

– inside arcs

– outside arcs


Mole skin

In order to effectively demonstate moves it is often required to chose a target for the move.  Each will eventually become the test dummy.  Motorboat has had to suffer through many weeks of this and today it turned to Crack.  His experience with wrestling makes the ground demonstrations more effective,,, even when he breaks the YHC….. its OK,, I will heal in time.  Note to group,,, it is hard to bend steel,, so dont try (damn he is strong).   Hummer and Crack appear comfortable on the ground and much of their wrestling exerience will be a good reference for us all.  Plinko learned quickly and adapted to the training easily.  Cupcake, Motorboat and Nymph have been regulars and the ease of movement during the drills is becoming aparant.  It will not be long before we start combining the skills and have real fighting drills (not full speed at first) where it is not scripted.  This often reveals how the mind thinks during an altercation.  The bonding of men, throughout history, has often centered around physical training… and most often in combat training.  The comradery that comes from this type of training is clearly observable during these morning sessions.  I am honored to have these fine men to train with.  Thank you for the opurtunity to share what has been taught to me.