Fightclub – feelings ignored

Event Date

Jun 19, 2020

Fear is one of the main emotional responses that we will all feel when an altercation begins. But fear is just the mind telling yourself that there is danger you need to address. So once you recognize that the situation is dangerous,, there is no reason to consider emotions. (Wouldn't it be great if all other decisions could be voided of emotions)  So what do we do? We break everything down to the basics. Movement, rotation and balance are the foundations of everything we do,,,,,, and what we do is now broken down into conditional responses. From standing, to transition, to the ground, we attack weaknesses and protect our liabilities. When we study the tactics that can be used and the liabilities we have,,, there are only a few ways we can be attacked (there are thousands of variations) so we can catagorize our responses to more effectively neutralize the attack and dismantle what ever body part is offered to us. This morning, many were on vacation so that left the few more time to practice drills over and again. It allowed us time to stop and see what targets are available in each situation and how changing position or moving can change things dramatically.

It is always an honor to train with you fine men. Thank you for allowing YHC to share this system and share bruises as we learn.

Stay safe 
