Fightclub – Fights go to the ground

Event Date

Oct 28, 2016

Training is beginning to become fun now that we are moving on to more application of techniques. Hurricane (Crack 2.0 joined us again this morning and is proving to be a fast learner with inate skills). One of the dangers of a fight, besides the obvious, is the risk of the fight going to the ground.  Wrestlers( and more recently MMA fighters) have skills that make going to the ground very dangerous and increasinly likely. Untrained fighters will end up on the ground between 85%-95% of the time,, even trained fighter will end up going to the ground up to 35% of the time.  So we must be not only prepared for this but we need to be skilled in defenses and effective nuetralization techniques.  We must keep in mind that the three basics of fighting are applied on the ground as well as standing…. movement, rotation and balance.  We use these to control ourselves but also must take them from the opponent.    Crack and Hurricane came early for the extra training session as the others filled in quickly.  Striking skills take time to develop and there are a variety of strking techniques that will eventually be required for "our little bag of tricks"  that we carry with us.  Each skill is one more thing to be pulled out of this bag of tricks when the situation calls for it. 

The Thang

Striking techniques

– vertical punch- Straight punch with arm moving as a lever straight toward the target.——- rotational forces generate the force, power and speed in almost all strikes.  movement is generated from legs, hips, shoulders and then arms.  It takes a bit of time for the body to adapt to this type of movement.  1000 hrs to become proficient, 5000 hours to become dangerous, 10,000 to become professional. 

– back fist – designed to attacked between the hands of opponent. Circular movement at the elbow generates the forces in this strike.-

-rising wrist strike –  designed to attack in upward movement and rotation at wrist.  Throat, ribs, biceps and jaw are usual targets.

-elbow strikes

 – around front

 – upward elbow

 – around the back

     -elbow strikes are used for close in combat. the forces are generated mostly by body rotation and lastly by arm swings.


– center tap leg drills

  – inside, outside , roundhouse

  – outside, inside, sidekick

  – inside outside, hookkick

– outside taps

 – double tap (roundhouse, hookkick)

 – triple tap (roundhouse, hook kick, roucdhouse, step, hook kick)

Hand Drills

– Crossover block, punch, biceps devastation, punch

– straight block, punch, biceps devastation , punch

– cross over block, side fist strike to ribs, side fist strike to face repeat


In close defenses

– secure back of neck, hand to jaw, head koto (rotational force to neck by pushing on jaw)

– secure back of neck, hand to throat, drive hand to back of neck starting from chest

– secure neck, grab shirt with one hand behind neck, then grab shirt with other hand, create space and bring one hand over head and across neck in choking manner


Ground techniques

 – top position

  – maintain balance, do not reach beyond striking range, trap lags and move up body working in stages.  strike available targets and force errors in opponent..  If arm is presented, secure and break

– bottom position

  Opponenet standing and moving in

  – control legs, hips and ankles to take away balance and limit movement

  – use push breaks if opponent exposes vulnerable leg.

Opponent on mounted position. 

  – pull opponent toward you with both hands causing him to rest on hands, generate space and place knee in control position

    – body grab to distract, control balance and push opponent off

   -control neck, hand to throat and push to back of neck

   – control neck, grab shirt, create space and use shirt in choking technique


Some of these techniques produce serious consequences and should be only used when dangerous altercations threaten a life.   As training continues we will discover a fairly large number of options for each situation giving us the ability to control the outcome depending on the threat level.

It is an honor to be able to share this training with this group of fine men.  Thank you for allowing me the oppurtunity to share this knowledge,  I hope that no one ever has to use these techniques,,, but if the situation arises I hope that each has come to learn enough to protect himself and family.