Fightclub – hands on

Event Date

Aug 25, 2017

Sorry for the delay,  Life got in the way of typing up the required #backblast.  So,,, anyway.  This morning was cooler than it should be around this time of year,,, but nice enough to sharpen some bones. It was good to see the return of #Chief to #fightclub. Two weeks in a row and he is catching on quickly as he receives his share of bumps and bruises.  We have been having fun putting each other in pain (or rather uncomfortable conditions) so it is always good to have new blood to shed (in a good way). 

Today we revisited the escapes from holds.  It may seem very basic,, and most of the techniques are.  But we not only learn how to escape from holds and grabs but we learn how the body works.  This is a very important part of the system.  When you understand how something works it is easier to tear it apart and or break it down.  Unfortunately in order to release the grasp, grip or hold of an attacker one usually has to cause pain or disfunction in that person.  And yes in order to practice putting people in pain,,,, we have to put people in pain.  So we do these techniques slowly so the pain does not cross over in to damage. 

When watching the pax practice,,,, two things came to mind.  The human body will avoid painful conditions.  But more importantly,, a person will also try to avoid putting another person in pain.  If we practive performing these techniques and completey avoid the "pain zone" the moves will lose all effectiveness.  So it is necessary to slowly learn where the "pain zone" begins and in which direction force needs to be applied in order to amplify the discomfort or damage.    Since it appears to be part of human nature to avoid placing another in pain ,,, training must take over to avoid any hesitation if or when these actions are required. 

OK,  enough of the phylosophy.

We went over basic grabs. Straight wrist, cross wrist, single lapel, double lapel, double choke.  These are the basic grabs that can be used in an altercation.  There are hundreds of techniques that can be applied in each situation but today we focused on three moves for each grab.  It is good to know a variety of moves for each grab.  Conditions at the time will dictate the best move for the situation.  I wont bore anyone with the specifics of each move,,, and if you want to learn the system… #SHOWTOKNOW

#motorboat brought along a bucket of sand.  I had explained to him how we used to train the bones in the hand by driving our hands into buckets filled with sand. he hard part is keeping all of the fingers perfectly straight and the bones in line while striking.  It as been a few years since YHC has done this training.  The aim is to be able to drive wrist deep into the sand.  YHC needs to practice this again,, and more fingertip pushups will be required.   #Fingerlickinggood impressed all by driving his hand into the sand past the knuckles.  Pretty impressive.  Thanks for bringing the bucket,, brought back some memories.  There are higher levels to this training.  2nd level is to replace the sand with steel shot,, the 3rd is to heat the shot up in a fire.  YHC did not move on to the 3rd level.  Only saw two people attain that level.

YHC looks forward to continuing this training and sharing this system with you fine men.  We learn much about each other when we train together.  Over the centuries men formed the bonds of brotherhood while preparing for the battles in life.