Fightclub – how to cut

Event Date

Jan 27, 2017

Many of us carry knives on a daily basis, and if you don't it is a good habit to get in to.  They are very useful tools that make our lives easier.  But believe it our not,,, they are also very effective tools for defending ourselves and our loved ones.  Yes, that was YHC attempt at sarcasm.  Bladed weapons changed the art of warefare and helped create the Dynasty's that ruled the world for eons.  The only weapon system that created a greater change in the balance of power in the world was the firearm.  So, we agree that the bladed weapon is a great tool for battle but just having one does not make it useful or effective.  The human body is fairly durable and has a natural structural defense system that protects the most vital areas.  Disabiling an attacker by using a bladed weapon requires knowledge of the anatomy and techniques designed to defeat the bodies natural structural defenses. 

The techniques and moves we have been training in for the past few months become a natural starting point for bladed attacks.  The hand movements and targets remain the same, only the application of force and direction change a bit.  We learn to attack from the outside in,, just like empty handed fighting.  We destroy that which is presented to us and move toward a center line attack.  The arms and legs each have vulnerable targets that lie on the medial aspect of the limbs.  Getting to these areas are easier than attacking the vulnerable areas of the body.

Knife techniques

Blade down

 – trap wrist, biceps, leg, groin, neck

– trap neck, roll across neck, groin, neck

Blade up

 – thrust towards lower ribs, thrust to throat, slash throat, bicps, inguinal area, lower ribs

Stick, sword, bat techniques

– position of hand should be one hand width apart

– targets

 – knee, collar bone, wrist

Chain techniques

– hand positions about 1/3 length of chain

– targets

  – knees, wrists, head, back

In- close emergency techniques

 – hard objects make causing damage and pain much easier, when engaged in a struggle that is not going well it is useful to utilize objects that can easily be found on your person.

Quarters – are extremely useful in causing serious wounds to face and head.

– placing quarter between thumb and first knuckle of pointer finger,, press into oney are and swipe across – will cause fairly deep cut in head and face

Credit cards – will cut like a razor blade when held correctly.

–  hold in a slightly bent position between thumb and pointer finger

– targets are face, neck and hands

– damage can be severe

Stainless steel Pen –  one of my favorites,  carried with me at all times

– held point down

– targets,, hand, forearm, biceps, inner thigh, back of calf, shoulder, spine, neck and face

– painful and damaging

The practice of these techniques does not take much time and will greatly increase a persons ability to succesfully neutralize an attacker.

We seem to be attracting some bystanders. They are either amused ot concerned.  Visits by the authorities may be in our future…  but that is expected.  Thank you once again for allowing YHC to share this knowledge with this group of fine men.