Fightclub – Know what to do

Event Date

Aug 30, 2019

Two weeks ago while YHC was demonstrating a technique, Geppetto said "I dont Know what to do"…that stuck with me. It is exactly what the mind is telling us when we are in an altercation when reality sets in and the danger is realized.  There are two natural thoughts that occur, and each will get us hurt. The very first thing that enters our minds when a fight starts is "why is he doing this".  Well, it doesnt matter why it is happening. You are being attacked and need to nuetralize the threat, and after he is no longer a threat you can figure out why he was attacking you.  Then, the second thing that enters your mind is, OMG,,, I dont know what to do.  It is not like the movies.  Things happen very fast and we will quickly discover that one punch will not stop a person intent on causing harm.  Both of these thoughts will get us hurt.  So, FIRST,, we dont care why it is happening.  Second,,, we will learn what to do. There are vulnerabilties that we all have.  The person attacking you may seem fierce,, but e has the same exact vulnerabilities.  But every different situation will expose different targets that we need to recognize and anticipate.  We have been practicing attacks and blocks, so the standard beginning of the fight that we expect from the movies will hopefully not cause us to be comfused as to what to do.  We know how to protect areas that need protection and we know where and how to hit the places that will discourage and nuetralize the attacker.  But fear will spike when we are grabbed, tackled or taken to the ground.  And many trained fighters and even not trained fighters will take the fight to the ground.  So, we need to control and attack the body parts that the attacker offers up as a sacrafise.  If someone wants to take you down using the simple low tacklers grabs, he will be giving us access to his face, neck, ears, eyes, nose and spine.  If we can maintain balance and "base out" to control his ability to take you down immediately we can use these body parts as targets for hitting, grabbing tearing or gouging. Yes, this is a real fight. It will not be pretty and everything is fair game when your life is on the line.  I wont go in to the exact techniques since without instruction these things can cause severe damage if practiced incorrectly. But please come on down, we always need bodies LOL.  Next problem is when a tackler gets in deep and is taking you down.  The first reaction is to brace and try to stop the fall.  But the best course of action is to sink in and down, trapping the exposed neck and arm is a guillotine or a figure 4 with the arms.  Then lock up his leg or back and lean back to limit the attackers ability to breath.  It is not an easy move and you will be met with much resistance.  Keep the pressure on and eventually he will make a mistake that will either complete the hold or expose more options.  Next we went on to the defense of the attacker moving past the elbow and into the rear nacked choke.  Remember to engage the attackers leg to stop the ability to move behind you when standing.  And if the attakcer does gain control of your back and neck,, we control balance by stepping behind, control the locking arm and push the elbow to make space and allow escape.  Last we worked on defense from the gorund, when he is in the mounted position.  Te main element is to protect our arms by mot reaching up, take away his ability to strike, remove his balance. We then lock up the leg and arm and roll the attacker off of you.  Seems simple, and it will be with practice.

This was a fun morning and I look forward to more hands on.

thank you fine men for training with me each week.

Tick Tock
