Fightclub – legs count

Event Date

Mar 06, 2020

There is an unusual concept that once understood will change the way we think about a fight. There is no chance of winning a real fight on the ground witout using our legs, and that goes for all other aspects of fighting. We need to focus on our legs like we focs on our hands and arms.  It is easiest to see how this works on the ground.  We have all watched MMA fights and see how they use their legs to strangle another person, but what is often missed is how tey use their legs to control and limit the motion of the other person ot to trap them in a poor position.  Movement, rotation and balance are the three main components of a fight. We must maintain control of these in ourselves and limit these in the other person,, and this morning we worked on how to do that from the ground and standing.  Yes, We used our arms and hands,, but the legs are an important part.  We have been using a technique called Trap fighting to contain the person on the ground by limiting the ability of the other person to effectively attack you and force a  mistake that leads to taking control of the balance.  At first we all try to over muscle it on the ground. This leads to exhaustion very quickly and usually this ends the fight in a very bad way. By learning to use Trap fighting,, we learn to use less frce and to relax,, slow things down and take control of the fight.  The interesting part of this theory ot branch of fighting is that it translates very well into stand up fighting also.  We use the same type of controls and traps to limit not only balance and rotation like on the ground but also movement.  We dont let them have the ability to cause us injury and we froce mistakes or liabilities to appear that allow us to control the fight and defeat the other person.  

When most people fight, their intent is just to damage and hurt he other person. But by controlling the fight by limiting the three main componenets of the fight,,, the striking of the other person is just incidental to the overall movement in the battle. yes, we will injure them but it is done as part of the move instead of being the focus of the move. No, this is not easy at first,,, but once it sinks in we learn to not rush to finish the fight and allow it to continue at its natural pace until we have broken down the other person body enough to finish when we want to finish.  

Since we were working on the hard cement this moring, there were some bumps, bruises and scrapes. 

We will be moving on to knife fighting and personal weapons in the next few weeks as well as continuing the training in ground and stand up techniques.  Remember that we have a Father Son fightclub night on march 18th 7;30 PM at Cheeze wiz place of business.  We have had two womens training groups there that have been very successful and YHC looks forward to training with you and your 2.0  it is a good bonding experience and will be fun also. 


Thank you for sharing this time with YHC. I enjoy the time training with you fine men


Tick Tock