Fightclub – lets review what we know

Event Date

Feb 03, 2017

A day for review and focus in technique.  We have been focusing on advancing the knowledge of bodily destruction and every once in a while it is good to look back at how far we have come and focus on specific techniques.  The increased knwoledge is becoming very apparant as all present demonstrate a clear understanding of the function and physiology of the human body.  As the body becomes used to the intended movements it is easier to make small adjustments in the technique to obtain the desired outcome.  Tailhook and YHC started at 0500 with the moves against holds, concentrating on the transition into the Koto and Osaidori.  Two very effective techniques for controlling and or destroying the arm of an apponenet.  These transitions often require  distraction technique to create a gap in time that allows freedom of movement.  In this instance the distraction of sudden pain was applied using a slap or one knuckle to the appropriate location.  Using pain as a compliance tool is helpful, but using pain as a distraction can open the door to a larger spectrum of gloriously painful techiques.  The trick is to know and understand where the pain zone is and become comfortable placing people into that zone.  It is natural for people to avoid pain, and it is also natural to avoid placing people in pain.  When applying these techniques it is clear to see the reluctance of a person to push into these zones.  But in order to become proficient in the techniques it is necessary to go through and not around the zones that we try to avoid.  We do this slowly to learn the limits and reduce the chance of injury.   Contra arrived slightly after 0500 with an abvious level of discomfort due to a nagging back injury. Props for showing up in obvious distress. He requested a review of the credit card and quarter techniques.  These are very useful when placed in a defensive position without any available weapons.  When used properly they can cut and slice as easily as a razor blade, giving us the ability to successfully defend ourselves against a dangerous attacker.  Goodel arrived just as we were reviewing knife attacks,, that is when we find it neccesarry to use a knife to defend ourselves in a deadly situation.  Tailhook appeared at ease with a sharp blade moving against his skin.  YHC failed to secure the practice knives before this session so had to make use of the real knives that just happened to be on his person.. Imagine that.  As in empty handed battle we will destroy what is presented to us and work inwards to center line attacks.  Arms and legs are almost always vulnerable to attack.  knowing the areas and techniques will increase our chances of surviving a dangerous encounter. 

Once this section was reviewed we went back to the hand and leg techniues and drills.  Goodel appears to have not gotten the memo that pants are suggested. But eventually the legs will toughen up a bit to be able to withstand the slight bumping and bruising that occurs when training. These drills will become the basis for most advanced techiques and will provide the foundation that will be built upon.  Maintaining the three components of fighting,, Balance , rotation, and movement.  becomes paramount.  Limiting these in the opponent will stop or negate most any attack while allowing freedom of movement in ourselves.

We ended a bit early this morning to make time for Contra to begin his Prayer group.  At first I thought it was a bit ironic to follow Fightclub with a prayer group but the natural balance is actually fitting.  In fighting as in Life.  We all must maintain this balance.

Thank you once again for allowing YHC to lead this group of fine men in this training.  I hope that my feeble efforts do justice to the men that taught this art to YHC.