Fightclub – More pain some rain

Event Date

Jan 20, 2017

Well, the weather report said it would be warm,, around 52 degrees.  It did not mention rain,, and rain is what we had.  Even with the tarp like protection overhead it was a very wet workout. @Comet strolled in this morning after Rucking solo in the downpour. The excitement of todays inauguration was hard to conatin as we practiced the days drills. The rain did change what I had planned for the training this morning.  I was planning on moving into striking,targeting and some ground work, but everyone enjoyed the elbow techniques that we started with so much that we expanded on these for a while. Using elbows are a very effective technique that causes a severe amount of damage.  But in using elbows a person must be close enough to make them effective.  But in getting close we expose ourselves to the real dangers of battle, so knowing how to move at the same time becomes very important.  We trained not only in how to strike and where to strike but how to step and move at the same time.  These types of moves will become necessary in all advanced fighting systems. Where we place our feet become just as important as striking. 

We focused on three main directional attacks. 

1. moving to the side, controlling the elbow of apponent, striking with elbow to jaw

2. moving to the back, striking ribs and striking spine

3. rotating in front, striking arm with elbow, elbow out and back to ribs, elbow up to face

These are three very basic moves for the body to understand the advantage of moving around and throught the body of the apponenet.


 @Contra had some questions and concerns about the wrist controls and breaks,, so we had to revisit them. Even wth his tender wrists aching from the abuse from prior training. Yes, we used @Fingerlickinggood as the practice dummy as promised.  But he seemed to enjoy it a but too much. It is good to see the enthusiasm he exudes.  This type of energy will push us all in our efforts to better ourselves. 

We went back over some of the initial grab defenses to practice the tactics and techniques of disabling the attacker.

Straight wrist

-wrist release

– stun into Koto

– stun into Osai Dori

Cross wirst grab

– one knuckle into atemi on hand to release

– stun into koto

– stun into Osai dori

single lapel grab

– atemi to forearm (LI10)

– handshake move

– one knuckle into koto

double lapel

– double atemi to forearm (LI10)

– one knuckle to sternum, koto

– atemi to inside of radius (superman move)

double choke grab

– atemi to sternum

– stun, koto

– one arm straight up, rotate arm around, trap hands, elbow face

We then moved into hand drills that we have been doing from the beginning. @motorboat is proving to have some serious hand speed and skill in this area.  Good to see everyone making progress in their ability to perform techniques that will certainly serve them well if it ever becomes necessary to defend themselves or their families.  We always hope that we will never need to do the things that we are training to do,  but if the situation is ever thrust upon us, we pray that we can do what is required to survive. 

Thank you once again for suffering through YHC feeble attempts to teach you fine men what some great men taught YHC. It is YHC pleasure and honor to share this knowledge with this group of fine men.