Fightclub – moving and striking

Event Date

Jul 14, 2017

This was a great day to train, weather was warm and there was no rain in sight.  Most of the Fightclub regulars were out of town, so that left Motorboat and YHC all morning to beat each other up.  Actually we did drills and more drlls.  But this morning we focused on attack combinations and foor placement.  Movement, rotation and balance are the three main components of fighting (as I have stated repeatedly) ,, and it is difficult to do these things at the same time.  Especially moving and stiking.  Foot placement is extremely important.  The placement of the feet in relationship to the opponent will dictate how we can or can not respond.  So we must constantly keep track of not only the position and movementt of the hands,, but also the location and direction of movement of the legs and feet.  We will use this knowledge and information against any attacker.  We will soon start training the senses to keep track of all of this information,, but for now we must train the mind to think of the foot position while maintaining control of the weapons while attacking. 

These drills are basic but very effective,, and will lead to a large array of available options while encountering an aggressive individual.

1.  Boxer combination: jab face, driving punch to ribs while dropping height, driving cross to face

2. hook to ribs, step 45* hook to face

3. hook to ribs, assing strike while stepping

4. strike to ribs, fake punch to face, step through, elbow to face

5. setting the T,, upper cut to jaw to set neck and face, driving strike to face

6. strike to face, rotate hand down step to inside, bottom fist to lower stomach, rising elbow to face,,

7. strike to face, rotate hand down step to outside, trap leg, bottom fist to lower stomach, rising elbow to face,,

8. low fake to high strike, front and back hand (pulse and pause technique)

9. strike toward face, rotate away, elbow face (same elbow,, opppostite elbow)

10. strike toward face, rotate away drop and break leg with side kick

This was fun and the affectiveness comes very wuickly once the body learns to move and strike at the same time.

We then focused on "taking the corner for control"  these techniques focus on attacking and controlling the shoulder, neck and arm in order to quickly end any altercation.


sleeper under arm

head koto

arimi (sword against the spine)

spine snap

leg trap and break

We train to gain the confidence and ability to resolve problems or conflicts that may threaten our lives or the lives of loved ones.  I pray that no one ever needs to deploy these techniques but if it becomes necessary may the training take over and lead to a successful conclusion.

Thank you for allowing YHC to share this system with you fine men.  It is an honor and a priveledge to exchange bruises while strengthening each other.  Until nesxt time,,, Stay safe and may God bless you and your families.