Fightclub – preparing for battle

There is a reason Cupcake is in great shape.  This YHC arrived at the AO early (0500) for some practice before the appointed 0530 start time.  Cupcake was already there with ruck on pushing his body to the limits.  Respect is defintely deserved and well earned.  Agent Orange and Trilam were the first to arrive at the early start time and we began with the drills.  Motorboat, Dolitlte, Usain and Bigmean filled out the group and went right to work.  Drills, Drills and more drills,,, preparing the body to respond automatically so the mind is free to see what is really occuring in the battle.  The beginning is always awkward as the body fights years of movie instilled concepts.  But the beginnings of the effects of the  training drills are showing results on the body movement of the Pax.  Motorboat and Dollitle seem to be practicing on their own as they easily moved from drill to drill.  They even progressed to moving around the other while performing the hand drills,,,,, not an easy thing to do.  Trilam and Agent Orange pushed their way through with a bit of self generated laughter with Agent Orange still recovering from a bruised leg,,, given to him by his workout partner.  Usain was paired with Bigmean (on his first Fightclub workout).  Once Bigmean understood the techniques the two progressed easily. 

The Thang

– Inside Cross over block to arm devestation

– inside cross over block rib strike face strike

– center tap leg control roundhouse

–  center tap leg control side kick

– outside double tap leg control

– outside triple tap leg control hookkick

defense against grabs

 straight wirst

– hand release, bicept bunch, wrist to jaw

cross wrist

– grab wirst, elbow break while stepping

single lapel

– atemi to forearm

double choke

– one knuckle to sternum

– trap wrist, stike to throat

– atemi to inside of metacarpal (LI4)

basic attack

– tap leg, control hand, strike to face, step behind ankle for passive trap

I realize the beginning is often frustrating and confusing,,, but once the basic concepts of movement are understood and the drills are engrained,,, the effectiveness will be revealed.  Fun was had by all and the extra 30 minutes appeared to give time to gain confidence in ones ability to perform the required moves.  I look forward to seeing how each performs under the stress of combat,, No machete I promise. But as the muscle memory takes over, each will be able to defend and attack effeciently and we will enter a more combative mode during a short time of each session.  First against me,, and then with each other,,,,,,, once I am convinced you wont hurt each other. 

I thank you fine men for the ability to share, with each of you, my life long passion in the arts.