Fightclub – snake trap transition

Event Date

Jan 24, 2020

It was cold and raining yet some of the finest men came out to train this morning. We continued on from last week and focused our attention on the placement of legs and feet to control the balance of the attacker. This is during standing, on the ground and during one of the most difficult and important parts of a fight,,, the transition. While standing we need to control and limit their ability to move and defend against being taken to the ground. The placement of the legs and feet will control much of what can be done against us and will help to give us the ability to move and generate power. But once the attacker gets on too close and begins to take us to the ground we must remember to maintain control of the attackers body, specifically his arms, legs and hips. If we are going to the ground it is best to start the ground fighting before we get there. So we must prepare the defenses and attacks on the way down. Mainly because it is much harder to do this if we wait until we are on the ground and don't prepare.  And then, once we are on the ground and in control,,,,, we relax and slow things down. If we do the things we need to do,,, we have controlled the liabilities and removed much of the threat of injury.we force them to make mistakes and take their balance away. From here we went over a number of techniques that proved to be very effective. Then we moved on to trap fighting, from the ground (bottom and top) and from standing . We will develop these techniques so they become part of the natural response to any form of attack.  
looking forward to next week so we can continue this process.

it was an honor to train with you fine men this morning.
