Fightclub – targets

Event Date

Feb 09, 2018

We have been drilling and drilling for some time now, and that is very important.  But understanding where and how to hit is also a skill that needs to be practiced.  Eventually we will explore the 5 main levels of Dim Mak, but for now we will focues aour energies on some very effective targets on the human body.  Many of these are positional, as the best targets can change when the opponent moves or when we move.  First there is the "automatics" that we have been practicing since the beginning.  These are strikes and targets that are extremely devestating and therefore should be trained to be "automatic" responses whenever the chance presents itself.  These are as follows,  when our hand is on top of the opponents elbow or bicep.  The neck, more preciesly the carotid, is exposed to a special strike using the "can opener" (this is a specific orientation of the hands that makes hitting certain targets on the neck and face very easy).  The next is used when the hand is against the chest of the opponent.  Using a one knuckle or rising fist stirke to the throat and (again) the carotid.  And the last automatic that we have practiced is the side fist to the deaf point when ever our hand is on top of the opposing hand.

Then we practiced a series of strikes that were taught to YHC as "absolute death" strikes.  Not sure why they used such a strange term,  but I guess it has to do with the possible results.  First was the shin kick followed by the rising fist to throat or jaw. Then the shin kick with the lateral palm blow (similar to a lateral chop but not really) to the side of the neck as it is coming toward you.  Then (one of YHC's favorites) strike the ribs with back fist, drive the rib into the lungs with other hand and then finish off with finger strike to the throat.  Seems strange but the pattern of strikes is actually pleasing to perform and causes a predictable result that is not so pleasing to the target.  Then the head stuns for low tacklers.  Used when someone makes the unfortunate decision to place their head and face within the reach of our hands as they attempt to take us to the ground.  Use stunning blow to forehead and then using lateral movement strike to side of head or neck.  Then next, when the person attacking gets in a bit closer, head stun again, then twist and drive elbow into back on neck,,, not a nice thing to do…. but effective when it is necessary.  Last but not least, we went over the "passing strike", used when we are engaged and need to disengage laterally.  Dropping the one shoulder and moving in that direction, rotate the body and bring the arm around (like swinging a baseball bat) striking the target in the side of the head or jaw.  Causing about as much damage as swinging a baseball bat at someones head.  So, again,, not a nice thing to do,,, but very effective.  As I explained to the pax,, sometimes tha hands and fingers love the feeling of doing some of these techniques,, like chewing on a tuff peice of meat, the body sometimes desires the feedback of performing some of these actions. To demonstrate this compulsion YHC used the collarbone and throat grab.  Causes an extreme amount of pain and damage and care must be taken because for some reason (at least for YHC) the hands just want to continue,,, some great feedback that the hands seem to enjoy.  Not sure if the compulsion is a universal feeling,, but yes,, it is hard to stop once you begin. 

Thank you once again for allowing YHC to share this system with you fine men.