Fightclub – the entire fight

Event Date

Jun 12, 2020

We have have been back at it for the past few weeks and it feels good to feel the bruises from training this way. Training requires learning the separate parts of the battle but now the pax is at the point to practice the entire continuum from standing to the ground. Each element provides dangers and opportunity and keeping track of all of these is our job. The most dangerous part of a fight is the one that we ignore. And so, we started the conflict standing, then transition and then the ground. We did this over and again exploring the options afforded us. Yes, as yhc stated, bruises were shared as we challenged each other and responded to the threats. As the weeks go on this training will become more involved as we learn to dismantle the human body. Some things will be not so nice things to do, but all we provide the advantage needed to survive the ever growing dangers in this world. Hopefully the dangers will avoid most of us, but eventually it may be necessary to fight back in order to safe a life.

It is always an honor to train with you fine men.
