Fightclub – time to try things out

Event Date

Dec 02, 2016

It was a bit cold this morning, but three men decided that training was worth a little discomfort.  Motorboat arrived bright and early to get some extra practice in.  Senator came a bit later but well before the start time.  We moved right into striking and blocking to prrepare for the battle sequences that would follow. It is important to practice the basics but every once in a while Men need to be tested by battle.  Timing and nerves are developed in real life, but training can develop these required traits by pushing the envelope of training into reality. To accomplish this we started training attacks and defenses in a more dynamic manner,, instead of static (non moving) techniques.  Each man felt the call of his distant relative that was at one time a mighty warrior.  We all have this in our past,  it is up to us to call on this heritage to breath the air and feel this earth the way man was meant to live.  

As always,,, time went by far more quickly than anyone desired.  But the bruises and bumps were testimony to the efforts put forth by all. Senator did very well and surprised even himself with his ability to succesfully navigate this system of fighting.  Motorboat is developing some skills that are clear to see,, his hand speed and positioning are becoming more natural as are the coordination of his movements.  I look forward to seeing what these men can do once they gain the confidence in their own ability.


Thank you once again for allowing me to share this passion of mine with this group of fine men.