Fightclub – traps are for control

Event Date

Nov 25, 2016

Four Race city men (Cable – was with us also) met, at the place we throw bells around, to increase their understanding of the fighting arts.  Each with images of Kungfu movies dancing in our heads.  As a child YHC watched these movies and was always amazed at how easily one person could defeat an army of armed evil men.  But when training began, at the age of 10, reality quickly landed on me when it was discoovered that this stuff was a lot harder than it looked.  But over time i realized that the ability to defeat an opponent was secondary to the training of the mind and body.  What was once the primary objective became a very amusing and interesting incidental result of the training. The drills that we do train the body to be able to do at least three things at once.  And now we are adding drills that will train the mind to be able to do these drills and keep track of everything that is going on around us,,,, all at the same time.  Returning this morning was Contra and Tailhook,  it was obvious that Tailhook has been practicing as he easily moved through the training and aided helping Contra remember  the techniques.  Tailhook's 2.0 – Cable,, showed how easily these techniques can be learned.  He has some skills that will take him far in the arts.  I am hopeful that some of the Pax will find their way back to Fightclub,  some of the techniques for training the mind to work with the body work best with a larger group of people.  And having a different person to practice on each week will help identify characteristics that can be found in the general population that, once identified, will help in determining the appropriate technique required for a situation.


– Inside Cross over block to arm devestation

– inside cross over block rib strike face strike

– inside cross over block sidefist ribs, side fist face

– center tap leg control roundhouse

–  center tap leg control side kick

– center tap leg control, hookkick outside of thigh

– center tap leg control, hook kick to calf

– outside double tap leg control

– outside triple tap leg control hookkick

– outside double tap control, step out, side kick leg break


Trap –

There are two types of "traps" used in this system of fighting.

Passive traps and active traps. 

Active traps are used to actively position the opponents legs into a vulnerable position that will allow that limb to be destroyed. 


Passive traps are used mainly to control the movement and balance of the opponent by positioning the legs and body in location that will control, limit or disrupt movement and balance.  They can also be set as "traps" so when opponent steps or moves into the trap themovement and  balance is disrupted.  This becomes a very effective tool to control an opponents ability to cause damage to you.


– defined designated targets for entire body

– head and face

    + Chin

    + TMJ – joint of lower jaw

    + side of head above ear

    + Front os face (maxilarry sinus)


  + Throat

  + splitting point of internal and external caroitid

  + Side of neck (deaf Point)


  +front of Shoulder


  +medium part of elbow joint

  + medial part of forearm (4 cun (about 4 inches) proximal to wrist joint)


  + ribs ( end of 6th and 7th ribs)

  + ribs on axillary line level with zyphoid process ( also 6th and 7th ribs)

– lower body

  + just in front of ASIS ( anterior bone protrudence above thigh)

– leg

  +inside of thigh (targeting major arterys and viens)

  + Top part of calf (UB56)

  + achilles tendon


Training mind to know and understand the space around us

– using three objects —- subject closes eyes and listens for the placement of the three objects.  Remembering these positions subject must move to the location called out by the YHC. There by training the senses to identify the positions andtraining  the mind to remember these locations in relationship to yourself and certain points in space.  Recalling these locations after we move, turn and spin becomes interesting.  But the mind has the ability to remember all of this,, it is our doubt that gets in the way.


Thank you once again for allowing YHC to share these arts with you each week.  I am honored to have this chance to train with you fine men