Fightclub – trust what you know

Event Date

Nov 11, 2016

The air had a chill that was certain to keep many in their nice warm beds,, but a few chose to fight the desire for sleep and pushed themselves to train their minds and bodies.  There are many things that stand in the way of moving and fighting to ones potential,,, but the greatest challenge that needs to be overcome is our own minds.  Doubt and second guessing what the mind knows will cause hesitation and lack of conviction in moving, blocking and striking.  So we must train the mind and body to trust what it knows.  The ability to know where the body it is in space is innate,  it is when our mind starts to question what is known is when we doubt our actions and responses.  We must learn to remember where we are in space and the relationship to everything else around us.  All personal weapons on the opponent and dangers around us must be kept in mind at all times, and at the same time we must understand the movement around us and how we are moving in unison with all of this,,, and not in opposition.  An altercation is not the movement against someone else,, it is the movement with the opponent,, in perfect unison,, ,move for move step for step. A dance that allows us to defeat the attacks and overwhelm the defenses.

The Thang

Undestanding your position in space

– Eyes closed, remember the position of three objects thrown on the ground around you. And move to numbered item called out by YHC. Object is to trust yourself and not guess,,, but to commit to action based on what your senses know.


– defined designated targets for entire body

– head and face

    + Chin

    + TMJ – joint of lower jaw

    + side of head above ear

    + Front os face (maxilarry sinus)


  + Throat

  + splitting point of internal and external caroitid

  + Side of neck (deaf Point)


  +front of Shoulder


  +medium part of elbow joint

  + medial part of forearm (4 cun (about 4 inches) proximal to wrist joint)


  + ribs ( end of 6th and 7th ribs)

  + ribs on axillary line level with zyphoid process ( also 6th and 7th ribs)

– lower body

  + just in front of ASIS ( anterior bone protrudence above thigh)

– leg

  +inside of thigh (targeting major arterys and viens)

  + Top part of calf (UB56)

  + achilles tnedon

There are mony more targets on the body but these are some of the most effective targets due to easy access and the amount of damage created.


– Inside Cross over block to arm devestation

– inside cross over block rib strike face strike

– inside cross over block sidefist ribs, side fist face

– center tap leg control roundhouse

–  center tap leg control side kick

– center tap leg control, hookkick outside of thigh

– center tap leg control, hook kick to calf

– outside double tap leg control

– outside triple tap leg control hookkick

– outside double tap control, step out, side kick leg break


Attack sequences

– boxers attack – jab and step, drop low ad center strike, rotational strike to jaw

– crescent kick to outside of knee, vertical punch with step through

– control lead hand, control back hand, vertical punch to jaw


Mole skin

Motorboat arrived early giving us time to go into detail and practice the new theorys and techniques.  Tailhook and Panama Red arrived shortly after,,,,, rounding out todays group.  It was nice to see Pax from outside Race City come to train at Fightclub this morning (even on such a chilly morning). The concepts touched on this morning will dramatically improve the ability to fight against and move with an opponent.  Learning to move and fight this way is not an easy task but Tailhook and Motorboat are showing definite signs of improvement.  The techniques are flowing easily and new techniques are being learned much faster.   We are now moving into some active attack moves which will help win the transition between being safe (out of range) and the danger zones (within range)

Thank you once again for the opurtunity to train with you fine men.  I look forward to sharing bruises while we practice these arts.