Fightclub – we have two hands

Event Date

Feb 23, 2018

YHC knows that drills get boring, but they are necessary to get the body to do the things that are required to "fight" under stress.  Today, we changed it up a litttle bit,,, well, of course we started with the standard drills.  Blocking the incoming strike, destroying what ever body part is attacking us and moving on to center line strikes.  We do this every day, and eventually this will become a "normal" response (good for us,,, bad for them).  So, as YHC has stated before, defending is the same as attacking. Actually there is really no "defense", when someone is foolish enough to attack, they are actually giving us something to destroy and control.  An aggressive initial move on our part will follow pretty much the same rules.  We control and destroy what ever is in our way and move on to center line attacks.  The only real obstacles are the subjects  weapons,, his hands and feet.  So if it is determined that someone is in need of being disabled, we must take into account these weapons.  We cant allow our intent of striking the subject stop us from recognizing and controlling the threats that can injure us.  So, as we strike we will control.  By Control we mean to control the weapons, rotation, balance and movement of the target.  This morning we focused on limiting the ability of the targets hands from stirking us.  In order to do this we must do two (really much more than two, but for training we break it down to the basics at first) different things.  We strike with one hand as we control with our other hand.  This is not as easy as it sounds.  We find that we want to focus on the attack, our mind tells us we have to hit him to disable him and all else leaves the mind, we lose focus of the weapons and things can turn bad for us pretty quickly.   Fighting is not just hitting someone.  Hitting is just incidental to the movement and control of the subject.  Yes, of course we hit them,, but it becomes just part of the entire move.  It seems counter inuitive for us to not focus on the hitting,,, but in the end the strikes will become much more effective and we wont create liabilities that could harm us.

Enough of the phylosophy.  The controlled attacks this morning consisted of an outside trap control with a step, then the same move with the opposite hands, then moving on to a crossover control with a strike and then repeat with the other hand.  Yes, this appears very similar to working out on the wooden man.  But since we dont have these training tools, we use each other to do these drills.

We then moved on to a centerline attack to the midsection, then control closest hand, then control other hand with our other hand, then center line strike.

Last we started with midsection attack, control closest hand with striking hand, then cross over control, then switch contolling hand and side fist to face.  It is a bit confusing to understand (show to know) but these techniques will become a major part of controlling and destroying body parts and vital targets. 

We also have to remember that we have a large number of "not nice things to do" when our hands are this close to a human body.  The three automatics should always be ,,, well,, automatic.  Next week we will go over some of the more convincing deterrents that will be deployed to convince the once willing participant that his decision was misguided.

Thank you for allowing YHC to get up early on these warm morning and share this system with you fine men.  Stay safe and be vigilant.