Fightclub – who’s in my house

Event Date

Jun 26, 2020

So, yes YHC walked in on a scumbag that decided he had the right to move into my pool house. So this morning we went to work on things to do to a person that presents as a severe threat. We started with knife techniques, (everyone should always have a knife on them). It is a useful tool and one of the most effective weapons for defense,,,, well if you know what to do with it. 
we maintain the same basic principles that are used in an empty hand fight. We attack that which is a threat and move in to center line attack.  So if the person that has invaded your home has a weapon in his hand,,, we use the knife to disabled that arm and continue on to the rest of the body and neck.  We also destroy the legs as we move in for control. Fighting someone that has a knife will be very difficult if you don't disrupt the integrity of the structure of the legs.  We than continued on from the prior weeks drills and went to the ground. Here we practiced options and drills for winning the fight from our back and a few from the top position. We will continue on this course and advance on to trap fighting from the ground on up to standing. This system will give you an advantage in most situations, as long as we stay focused on what is going on.

Next week we will start on the ground and move up to standing and increase the hand speed of the drills and strikes until we are close to real time.  Active combat in the near future. Then the fun really starts.

Thank you men for allowing YHC to train with you. It is an honor and And a privilege.

Stay safe and fight back
