Figuring Things Out at Arnies

After a well publicized day on the Twitter machine (more on this below), 21 PAX emerged from the Gloom on a cool (read: great dew point) Monday morning not knowing what to expect with a #VQ on tap at Arnies Army. 9 for the standard and it appeared to YHC early on that expectations were low for today as multiple people felt the need to point out that they ran by my house to make sure i was awake.  Sleep through one Q School and never hear the end of it..  anyway, here is their story.


Mosey around the parking lot with High Knees and Butt Kickers


SSH x 20 IC

IST x 10 IC

Carrot Puller x 10 IC

Merkin x 10 IC


Mosey to bridge for bearcrawl under planking PAX

REPEATO until we made it the length of the bridge

Up and overs on the bridge x 10 OYO

People's Chair for some random amount of time

Air Press x 15 IC

Mosey back to lot for WWII situps until everyone back

Grab a block and head down to the soccer fields

Curls x 10 IC

Overhead Press x 10 IC

SkullCrushers x 10 IC

Bear Crawl to other side of the field

Dips x 10 IC

Lunge Walk back across field

Lawnmower x 10 each side OYO

Block Merkins x 10 OYO

Block Swings x 10 OYO

Curls x 10 IC

Overhead Press x 10 IC

Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Bear Crawl across field

Dips x 12 IC (12 because I lost count and realized after 10 and thought 11 would have been too obvious..thanks for noticing Pop Tart)

Lunge Walk back acrss field

Split PAX in 2 groups – Group 1 head over to the bars and do one time through monkey bars and 10 pull ups. Group 2 does Curls


Return Blocks and circle up for Mary


Auto:  Merkins x 10 IC

Lego: W's

Don Ho: Homer to Marge -> Low Flutter

Turncoat: Mason Twist (I think?)

Gypsy: Mountain Climbers

Pop Tart:  Muhammad Ali's

Stromboli:  Crunchy Frog – this was a fan favorite

Gray Ghost: Peter Parker's

Recover Recover


–Solid mumblechatter this morning.  PAX tried as best they could to throw me off my game. Only worked once or twice.

–PAX seemed less than thrilled with the move to the soccer fields.  Lots of complaints about the wet grass.  Titan seemed especially disturbed by this..and he didn't even know the bear crawl was coming.

–Tclaps to SwingState for wearing a Hoodie to a Hoodie VQ.  Flattery will get you everywhere.

–Lots of activity on the Twitter machine yesterday getting a great buzz for this morning.  YHC was overwhelmed and humbled by the support of F3LKN.  Several other area Q's openly campaining for people to not show at their workout (Blackbeard, Big Montana, Qbert).  Glad to see looked like good numbers across the board at other AOs as well

–Thanks to all those who travelled this morning.  Great to see some guys i don't see very oftern (Bagboy, Special Sauce, Eeyore, Titan, Fescue).  I really need to make it a point to start visiting other AOs

–Ghost and Poptart must've made a wrong turn on the way to a run.  Glad they decided to stay and see what LKN beatdowns are like these days

–Thanks to Auto and the rest of the GB crew for constantly pushing and supporting me over the last 5 months.  i have done some things i would have never though possible and I could never have done it without you guys. I have truly found something I didn't know I was looking for.

Honored to lead this strong group of men this morning and look forward to the next opportunity.

