Filling in for the Cheetah and Tonka’s Incredible Grip Strength

Event Date

Jan 21, 2023


Cheetah was our fearless leader but came down with something day prior and asked us to pick up the slack, Anvil and YHC split the workout. 



15 x SSH

10 x copper head squats

15 x mountain climbers

10 x merican toe touches

10 x Windmills


The Thang

Mosey to back, grab blocks and head to AO lot.  


11s. At pakring lot 10 block quadfectas and 1 block fluter kick. Run to top of hill and at top of hill 9 burpees and 2 WWI.  


Repeato until we got through all 10 rounds and blocks back to playground. 


Anvil takes over- good cop to bad cop.


Parking lot suicides

Round 1 – 3 suicide laps with 3-6-9 block thrusters in between

Round 2 – 3 suicide laps with 3-6-9 block snatches in between

Round 3 – 3 suicide laps with 3-6-9 burpees


Mosey to back playground.


Hanging challenge from monkey bars.  TONKA WINS!!!!! Anvil took it like a man but is planning on carrying around 2 35# plates this week one handed. 


10 x block kickstands each leg


Colt 45s with block


10x Block thrusters


10 x block step ups each leg


Return to AO



Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. “


Good discussion on what is holy vs what is good and doing things that are a sacrifice in our eyes but we really enjoy the work vs something God calls us to do but we aren’t as thrilled about. 




Tonka gave us some good pointers on salvage titles and clearly is working for the mafia moving vehicles.


Great to see Marker.  He said he showed for Cheetah’s workout so seemed a bit disappointed to hear Anvil and I were stepping in.  Good to see you out brother!


Anvil is still forging ahead at his Bible transcription project and formulating plans to increase grip strength.


Get well soon Cheetah!


Fair Winds and Following Seas

