Fillmore and Zuul and Ty Webb…Oh My!

Event Date

Mar 25, 2017


Also in attendance but not signed up on the Isotope website was F3 MECA's Fillmore.

Three regulars once again bested the fartsack and embraced the warm spring morning to continue building their summertime pool bods.


Run around church with high knees and butt kickers.

SSH x 20

Cotton pickers x 10

Imperial storm troopers x 10

Toy soldiers x 10


Line up with kettle bell about 50 yds from the bottom of the big hill

KB swings  x 10 OYO

Run to bottom of hill

Squats  x 10 OYO

Run to top of hill

Burpees x 5 OYO

Run all the way back to kettle bells


Run down to pull-up forest

Dead hang pull-ups x 5 OYO

Cinderblock curls x 10 IC

Shoulder press x 10 IC

Run down to curb

Incline curb merkins x 10 IC

Run to 3rd baseline fence and back to pullup forest

REPEATO decreasing IC exercises by 2 down to 2 (total of 5 rounds)

Mosey back to church patio

Dips x 10 IC

Derkins x 10 IC

Step-ups x 10 each leg OYO

Mosey back to kettle bells and farmer carry them back to their building.

Mosey back to front of church.


Low flutter x 10

Low dolly x 10

Freddy Mercury x 10

W’s x 10

Pickle pounder x 10


  1. Thanks Zuul and Fillmore for showing up this morning.

  2. We were all in agreement that we’d much rather be at True Grit than doing a 48 hr. crazy ruck.

  3. Zuul informed me that pull-up forest will soon be cell phone tower forest.Thanks Sprint!Maybe they will spare the pull-up bars.

  4. Sorry for the late backblast.

See y’all in the gloom,

Ty Webb