Filthy Fifty KB beatdown on 7-Eleven

15 STRONG pax showed up for a filthy fifty beatdown…900 of your favorite KB reps were shared by all.  There were visions of partner-accountability and mathematically making 7 and 11 go into 50…but all of that was thrown out the window at the request of the great PAX.                                              

The Thang:

  • SSH x25 
  • IST x20 
  • Cotton Pickers x15
  • CDD x10
  • Merkins x10
  • Round 'da Worlds x10
  • Ribbons x10

Then the real show began…..10 rounds of 2 exercises with 50 reps per exercise.

  • KB Swing; Goblet Squat
  • Curls; Upright Rows
  • Skull Crushers; Apollo Oh-No
  • Lawn Mowers; Russian Twist
  • Tea-bag squats; Merkins
  • Side Bends; Overhead Press
  • Shrugs; LBC
  • Curls; Skull Crushers
  • Low Flutter; Chest Press
  • (2) 50 second planks (without a break in-between…pax did not like that the break was missing)



The Q researched a witty 7-Eleven workout theme but landed on the filthy fifty.  The pax was confused by the math mind bender trying to figure out how 7 and/or 11 ended up at 50…but by the third round they were only focused on making it through the 10 rounds.  It was apparent that Smores and Shaken have not seen much of each other given the amount of mumble-chatter between the two of them.  Appreciate the opportunity to follow the Pax at MMM
