Filthy Fifty Pain Clock

YHC, Stray (because we never travel alone), Blackbeard, Jockstrap (Because he never travels alone), Black Eyed Pea, T-Bone, Turnpike, Frontier, Dirt and THE Professor all posted to a double bud henderson standard.  Fartsack ain't got nuttin on dem.  Oh wait…El Chapo caught us within the first 50 yards, so he counts, too (FS almost got him).

The rest joined up at 0530 and this is our story:

Mosey with shovel flag to the center of the football field: COP/Warmorama

SSH x25ic

IST x25ic

Crabbawocky x10ic 

Apollo Ono x10ic

Soybean Farmer x15ic

Windmill x15ic


Filthy 50 Painclock

The track acted as a giant clock.  Pax run to "X o'clock" on the track and do 50 repetitions.  Then, run back to the center, plank and wait for the 6.

1-Mountain Climbers





6-Plank Jack


8-Freddie Mercury


10-Toy Soldier


12-Line Hops

There was still a little time on the clock, so mosey to the hill:

Quadraphelia up for 1 burpee, run back down.  Back up for 2, burpees, back down. Last time up for 3 burpees, back down…out of time.

Back to the lot for MARY

Mason Twist x15ic

Low Flutter x25ic



Since I knew Sweet Caroline was going to grace us with his presence, I combined two of his favorites (which I think were actually developed by him) The Filthy 50 and the Painclock.  I may have coerced him into thinking it wouldn't be a whole lotta running.  You're Welcome!

I haven't pulled out the ol Crabberwocky and Apollo Ono in a while.  Good times, good times.

When I called "soybean farmer" a demonstration was requested..that is until I rephrased it as the "cotton picker."  A collective "OH" was heard throughout.  My humble opinion: the traditional name stays.

Glad El Chapo won the battle with the FS this morning.  Love it when pax come rolling in on 2 wheels. Only problem is, you parked 50 yards from the start, and then drove it the final 50 yards at the end of The Standard.  Please make up for it by completing one 100-yard sprint before close of business today.

Contrary to popular belief, the hill work was on my Weinke…verified by T-Bone.  I don't play games with your fitness.  It's very important to me.


There was some confusion on what exactly constituted a single rep.  "In cadence?" "Does 2 count as 1?"  "Does each leg count as 1?"  The answer to all those questions is "YES."  It's You vs You after all (bunch of babies).

There was lots more ribbing going on this morning.  I either didn't catch some of it, didn't hear some of it or can't remember any of it.  Sound off in the comments on all that I missed.