Final Denver Murph of 2015

A dirty dozen in Denver AO's completed the final Murph of 2015 this morning…6 at each AO.  YHC has been feeling under the weather since Christmas night, but posted today despite what my head was saying.  Here's a hint, a lack of sleep (4 hrs) + night time cold medicine (that's still working when you post) + melatonin (because the cold medicine still didn't get you to sleep by 1 am) = a very bad performance.  Sonar said it right this morning…"it truely is you vs. you".

Speaking of you vs. you, MetroDog figured out that he could add 12 lbs by adding a weighted vest and still made it through.  T-Claps bro.  I did it a few months ago with a weighted vest and I thought I might die…not an exageration, so I know how hard that is.

So, besides YHC, everyone else completed the following:

1 mile run
10 rounds of 10 x pull-ups, 20 x 'Mericans, 30 x squats with a 2:30 timer for each round (including rest)
then ran another mile

Ephesians 4:22-24
22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

?I chose this passage because as we move on from 2015 into 2016 many people will choose to make changes for the better for their new years resolution. If you are in the middle somewhere between righteousness/holiness and being courrpted, which direction are you headed?


  • ?Some Star Wars comments were quickly halted when some PAX say they have yet to see it.  #NoSpoilers
  • ?A humbled YHC really hope this cold is over fast.  But being the 6 today, I got to see strong efforts and improvements by all.
  • ?Sound off more in the comments