Finally… Don Ho Turns 40!

3 men (2 in their 40s and 1 in his 30s) met for the standard 3 mile route. 

14 men circled the wagons for 5:30 ready to Slay Dragons in the cold of winter, err spring, their story unfolds:

The Thang:

Mosey to back of church:

– 20 SSH in Cadance which is 40

 Detailed instructions were written out for 2 rounds of exercises (yet some still complained and were confused) to be completed twice with running laps around the church in between rounds:

  • Set 1 & 3:
  • Burpees X 20 = 40
  • Swings X 20 = 40
  • Crushers X 20 = 40
  • Lawn Mowers = X 20 = 40
  • Squat to Press X 20 = 40
  • Combined Set 1 & 3 resulted in 400 exercises
  • Set 2 & 4:
  • Curls X 20 = 40
  • Chest Press X 20 = 40
  • Merkins X 20 = 40
  • Overhead Press X 20 = 40
  • Up Right Row X 20 = 40
  • Combine Set 2 & 4 resulted in 400 exercises

Bells dropped off back at the front, and mosey to pull up forest for two rounds, Q wanted 3 but time wouldn't allow.

  • Set 1:
  • Pull ups X 10
  • Merkins X 10
  • Burpees X 10
  • 25 WWII
  • Set 2:
  • Pull ups x 20
  • Merkins x 20
  • Burpees x 10
  • 25 WWII

Mosey back to the bells and front of church for what was planned to be Mary, Don Ho to lead "Hold Its" which felt a lot more like 10 Burpees.

Burpee Count for the day was a high of 100 for some and low of 70

Mole Skin:

  • When 14 showed this am, there was talk that everyone was expecting a Don Ho birthday Q, but he would not have it, he is savings himself for the funeral of Foundry tomorrow with a Sharknado Q.
  • Impressive work by Kosar, he has been back at in over the past few months and making progress, was towards the front of the pack today, keep it up brother iron sharpens iron!
  • Great to see Dino back out after a few weeks of recovery from trying to remove a portion of his thumb DIY style. Keep showing up brother!
  • Always greatful for Swing State, the rabbit, who gives all of us something to chase, T-claps for completing 5 full rounds while the rest of the pax did 4.
  • For those that are counting Breakfast Club has been showing his mug more regularly the past few weeks and even doing the workout! I didn't see any neck rolls or other BC type modifications today just a lot of hardwork! 
  • Thanks to Grim Reeper, I mean Cherry Bomb for allowing GoatBuster takeover these few weeks at DS while he has been busy putting AOs out of their missery and running the longest every QvQ (still going BTW). You are taking hard steps but making a better core set of AOs for the pax to rally around, keep up the good work. 
  • Prayers for Dingos friend Amy we wish her well, may the prayers be answered 
  • Finally… we are all happy for the 40 Year Young Don Ho, and wish him all the best. A true #HIM among the PAX and someone who makes this go around on the big spinning ball better for everyone.

Until the nex time…
