Finally, the RAIN

Three strapping lads convened to ruck for 45 min (aka #thestandard).  Cupcake, Brushless, and Big Mean.  

The FNG-1 is actually DD, which I'll get up on the WS ASAP.  FNG-2 (hospital name Shannon Kinsley) is now known as WideRight.  

There were brief fist bumps, niceties, the obligatory 'bragging of the ruckers' then we launched promptly at 0530.

Wamups: Mozy around building, (IC) SSH 20, IST 15, WM's 10, 'Mericans 10, MC's 15, Squats 20.  Around the world w/bell, 10x's each way, Figure 8's 10 each way.

The Thang:

Shoulders- Mil Press 12 IC, 10 Mericans, Repeat w/ 10, then 8 Mil Presses IC, 'break w/ 10 Mericans (single count)

Partner, choose a bell, one partner Zamporini's the bell walking around the grass block, the other does 15 squats, then runs to catch up, rinse and repeat until around the block, plank to hold.  

Arms-Curls (IC) 12, 10, 8 w/10 wall dips after each set of curls. 

Partner, bring both bells-farmer carry both bells while partner bangs out 15 Mericans, run to catch up, switch, rinse and repeat.

Arms-Skull Crushers (IC) 12,10,8 broken up by 10 KB pullovers oyo

Back to Brick Strip-KB lunch walk (passing KB b/t legs) to lightpost, Zamperini back.

Legs-Goblet Squats (IC) 12,10,8- mix in 10 R/L lawnmower pulls after each set.

Mary-10 R/L leg raises from wall dip position. 


-WideRight actually played at FSU, hence the STELLAR nickname provided by BigMean, and easily accpeted by the pax…well done BM!  Here's the story….

-There was a lot of groaning today, some modification, and even some direct barbs hurled at the Q!  Great to hear and it sounds like YHC is doing something right (or not).

-Thanks London for allowing me to lead.

-Thanks pax for hanging in there during the off-count reps…I was TRYING to keep it 12, 10, 8, but let's face it, it WAS before 6 AM.

-Great to see Spinner, Lomax, and DD all cranking it…..The KB workout is doing very well!!  

-The rain kept mostly off us, somehow it almost always does…..wonder why?