31 men emerged from their cozy comfortable slumbering state to make a decision to either, come meet their one time EH, send off a good friend in Blueprint, come snatch the ghost flag, or to figure out what a blue indian is.  Here is their story:

0500: A Pax of 9ish put in about 2 1/4 standard led by FreePass at times.

0530: No time for warm o rama (thats what #TheStandard is for) mosey to the track.

Partner up: Partner 1 will start bear crawling.

The team will have one Pax Bear Crawl the straight aways and lunge walk the turns until they complete one full lap.  The other Pax will run a full lap + around the track until they catch their partner.

Round 2: Repeato except with Lunge Walking straight aways and Broad Jump Burpees for the turns.

Round 3: Partner carry a full lap

Round 4: Cool down lap & get the 6.

Mosey Back

90 seconds of mary low flutters.


Naked Man Moleskin:

Tclaps to Schnitzel, Tinderfoot, Law Dog, Hula, Milkbone, Sparknut, Marie Callendar, Watley & Sugar for coming out from MECA to take home the ghost flag.  If one of these guys isn't in MECA then you should have registered on f3isotope with your name.  Tinderfoot may be davidson. 

Great to hear Mr. Burns in my recording of the Pax names, although I don't remember seeing him there.  I did carry a bearded gentlemen this AM but he was much lighter than Burnsy.

Good times this morning, I especially enjoyed seeing how a WIB could have so much mumblechatter.  Well done incognitians!

The story behind the Blue Indian is one of great history and infamy.  Unfortunatly i have forgotten most of it.  But Mini Me seems to have introduced it around Gboro and Outer banks, so thats cool.  Feel free to introduce it, modify it, completly ignore it or whatever you like.  WIBs are fun.

Blueprint, we are praying for a smooth transition for the wife and the boys (and you).  We will miss you but looking forward to seeing you back frequently.  See you tonight at Brickhouse.

Men, it was an honor to lead this am, like I said at COT, I wouldn't be out here if it weren't for men like you to push me.  Specifically men like Black Eyed Pea who wasn't afraid to talk to me about F3 a few years back and share what has become such an impactful thing in my life.  My kids got their Kids Rucks last night and were wearing their F3 patches around.  Anytime they see F3 stickers they get excited.  It means alot to see their dad motivated by something bigger than himself.  There is no job, car, house, or false idol that can create that.  It is huge.  Don't be afraid to pass on this gift, somebody is praying for it right now!
