Find a hill and repeat

Event Date

Nov 18, 2019


We moseyed, we circled up and warmed up.  Goat let out a yell on the first windmill, all familiar things.  We did 10 merkins in cadence and then 6 burpies OYO

We then did 20 Praying Mantis in cadence and then peoples chair with 20 overhead press.  We headed to the hill and the boys started to sense a pattern: 10 merkins in cadence and then 6 burpies OYO.  We then took trips up and down the greenway hill to the second lightpost, planking once back on top and did 3 exercises, repeated the hill then 10 merkins in cadence and then 6 burpies OYO, repeated the hill, then 3 new exercies, then repeated the hill and then….wait for it 10 merkins in cadence and then 6 burpies OYO.  We did this some more then started to mosey back, did more praying mantis then 10 merkins in cadence and then 6 burpies OYO.  We moseyed some more and took andvantage of the temporary bariers for 15 calf raises in cadence each leg, this was a few too many.  We did our favorite: 10 merkins in cadence and then 6 burpies OYO, then we tried Batwings, 20 of each, forward arm circles, backward arm circles, overhead clap, seal clap.  Not as terrible as I thought it might have been but good enough…then 10 calf raises each leg and then…10 merkins in cadence and then 6 burpies OYO.

The Pax shouted words of encouragement and praise for my creativity throughout the morning.  I do beleve everyone had a good workout.

After about a 15 minute interlude so the baristas could create Turbo's science experiment of a drink we read a devotion that came from Proverbs 18:20-21.  the devotion can be found here:

We discussed a few of the questions below and I appreciated 
How spend time with God?
How avoid listening to the wrong things, talking about the wrong things
What do we want? Goal setting. What’s important? 
I brought up some advice I was given when first mountain biking, if look at the rock you are trying to avoid you are  likley going to hit it, It and the some reflection on todays devotion made me think: you have to focus on where you want to go, not just focuson trying to avoid where you don’t want to go
Always a great group and discussion, thanks Big M for leading this awesome AO!