Find the 70’s Song Lyrics in this Backblast and Earn $100 for Operation Sweet Tooth…

Event Date

Mar 09, 2019



(please read all of them)

  1. Hidden in the backblast below are 16 lyrics to songs from the 70’s. Some are easier to spot than others, but they are all from popular songs (mostly VERY popular).
  2. The first PAX to find all 16 of them wins:
      > A $100 donation in his name to Operation Sweet Tooth
      > An F3 Workout Deck
      > A copy of the F3 book “Freed to Lead
  3. If nobody gets all 16, then 14 or more correct answers will still earn a $50 donation.
  4. Also, the first four PAX who send in 14 or more correct answers (even if they're not first) gets a copy of the F3 book “Freed to Lead."
  5. Contest ends March 29.
  6. DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS, but rather email your list of song titles and artists to:
    Jersey Boy
  7. If you have a question or need a hint, text me at 561-302-3029.

And now. . .back to your regularly scheduled backblast. . .


Abominable Abdominals and Core 'til You're Sore:

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words some of the experiences from today's Bailey Road Park workout (oh, I know I could share it if you'd want me to).

Well, we had a great turnout at BRP for once and I was prayin' for this moment to last. Samsonite, Hall Monitor, and others showed up early to support the original and best AO in F3 . Ha ha, just kidding! They were just running. Good joke, guys! (**wiping a tear**)

But newcomer Cash and oldcomer Hootie and in-betweencomer Eddie and YHC said goodbye to the sissies our F3 brothers and suited up for a real man's workout. Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, the one that leads to BRP will get you in better shape!

Once around the field was quite enough for Johnny Cash (I remember those days!), but somebody said "do that to me one more time," so Cash pushed himself and made it around again, arriving with the rest of us. After introductions and name-origin stories all around ('cause you know sometimes words have two meanings), standard Jersey Boy fare was served up at the pavilion:

  • Goose Steps
  • Girl Fights
  • Crucifix Plank
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Crab Toe Touches
  • Mosey to Wall
  • Double-Hop Up the Stairs
  • Side Wall Plank
  • Sheryl Sandbergs (Lean-Ins)
  • Wall Climbers
  • Mosey to Playground
  • Australian Triceps Extensions
  • Mosey to Rocks
  • Calf Extensions on Stairs
  • Home Stretch with Rock
  • Partner Rock Transfers
  • Partner Leg Throwdowns
  • Leg Lifts
  • Oblique V-ups
  • Bear Squats
  • Little Baby Flutter Crunch Presses
  • Karate Kids
  • Mosey to Pavilion
  • Freddy Mercurys (and it seems like it goes on like this forever!)
  • Metronomes
  • Upside-Down Plank


Johnny Cash gave me some dirty looks about the intensity of some of the exercises (cause Lord knows I'm to blame), but he hung in there and pushed himself to a slightly higher level of fitness. Nice job, Cash! A few more months and we'll have you doing the BRR! (Without me.)

Hootie dominated the abomidable abdominals (say that three times real fast!), but I have a feeling that he'll be a bit sore just like everyone else. That's the way I like it!

Oh, and there we were all in one place, under the pavilion. The regular crowd shuffled in to BRP (soccer parents and their charges), the clock struck 8:00, and we had a date at Waterbean for Q Source–so names, announcements, COT, etc. came to the world in the usual way. We got some PAX commitment for the Christina Latini Memorial event (just call my name and I'll be there), so I look forward to seeing you all on March 30.

I appreciate the three of you for showing up and making the morning fun and meaningful. I hope you enjoyed the workout. I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do.

Hootie joined me for an excellent Q Source at Waterbean, with Gnarly Goat as MVP (Most Valuable Pax). How does it feel to be so wise? A great conversation with Blackbeard and Twister kept me at Waterbean 'til 10:00, but I had to let it roll down the highway because my 8-year-old son wanted to wrestle.

