Find Your Purpose

10 of the proudest Americans in Isotope celebrated this great country with Richard, Purple Heart Homes and Speed for Need at the RWB 7.4K. Here is their story:

Purpose is as necessary in any man's life as the air he breathes. Purpose keeps a man going. Purpose drives men to keep an open mind, to believe in something beyond himself, to do truly awesome things. Purpose is what rang true for me this morning. 

Richard is a different man just a year later. We met Richard last year at this same race and he needed this. He needed a change. He needed to know that other men, other people cared about him and his journey. Now he is upbeat and working hard. He described his farm and his "kids" on the farm to the pax pushing. He's got 50+ goats, 4 donkeys, ducks, and much much more. He has been recently working on redigging the pond for the ducks and unloading the seemingly endless supply of hay for the goats. He is working with Purple Heart Homes as they finish his home. It was awesome to hear the stories of how hard he is working. He clearly has purpose.

Awesome to have Omega, Dallas, Ultraman, Diehard, Kosar, Thug, & Bee out pushing. We pushed the pace up hills and let the downs do the work. Richard carried the Purple Heart Homes flag all morning. Thanks to Possum & Goat for letting us borrow Old Glory for a picture perfect moment. Strong work on the ruck!

Lots of Isotope pax were out running the RWB 7.4K and 7.4M. YHC is truly appreciative of all of those men that stopped by to thank Richard for his service or just say hey. We talked this morning about how much that means. Richard reflected after the race on his time coming home from Vietnam and how there was none of that. These times are not those times. The outpouring of love and gratitude from people like those at Purple Heart Homes, the men of F3, and all of the runners at these races that stop to say "Thank you for your service" have opened his eyes to the good in people. It makes a difference. You men make a difference. 

There is not a better way to start a celebration of July 4th and our great country than spending it with men like Richard. Love spending time with our friend and we look forward to mornings like these when we get to spend a couple hours reflecting and BSing. The next time can't come soon enough. We are already looking for a race in the fall and Richard is eager to help us find more vets to push. Richard is ready to give it away! Strong work men! Until the next time…

