Finding the Dynamite

Event Date

Oct 09, 2017


7 pax found all 3Fs and a couple coupons this morning at #TheBerean. Here is their story:


Olive and YHC met #TheStandard for 2+ miles



SSH x 20 IC
IST x 10 IC
Cotton picker x 10 IC


5 stations AMRAP until pax running parking lot loop returns:

1:  8-count burners
2:  Kettlebell swings
3:  Squat to press
4:  WWII situps
5:  Mericans

Mosey as a group around the parking lot

Repeato repeato


Low flutter x 25 IC

Recover recover



  • Pretty pumped to get the text from Olive at 0405 that he was joining YHC for #TheStandard…strong work brother
  • Love seeing newer faces at #TheBerean and welcomed them with an oldie but a goodie station beatdown
  • Jazzhands got after the mericans this morning and made sure MMM knew it #S2K
  • On the heels of the Vegas shooting, we read and discussed the following article:
  • So much going on in this well written article (#TClaps to Mini Me for sharing on Slack) but we focused on two primary points today:
    • Men in the United States are chronically lonely
    • Men in the United States are deprived of play opportunities
  • Obviously, F3 addresses both points very well but the big takeaways from this morning for YHC were these:
    • It takes courage to step out & EH the man that needs this group…recognize those men and have the courage to do it because they need it
    • Make sure you have some men in your life that are close confidants (i.e. more than one)
      • Men that you can be vulnerable with and that are not impressed by you (i.e. they will call out your BS and hold you accountable)
    • Step up and lead in F3
      • Start by posting consistently and becoming more engaged in the beatdowns
      • Come to Q School (Shameless plug for Q School on 10/16 at Arnies Army) and do your VQ (you won't regret it)
      • Lead by Qing consistently and picking up the men that need it most (i.e. the 6) at beatdowns
      • Become a master Q and/or lead 2ndF events and/or lead 3rdF events
  • This group has the formula to answer some really difficult societal problems but it takes YOU to step up and make it happen. Don't wait for the next guy to do it. Make this morning the morning that you decide to commit to being the light for the people that need it most in your life.
  • We lifted up lots of prayer requests this morning. Aye!
  • Thanks to Dingo for the opportunity to Q at #TheBerean. Thanks to the 6 other men that decided an 0400 wake up call (the bat to the head right Bouncey House) was worth their time this morning. It is always an honor to lead this fine group of men. Until the next time…

Don Ho