Finding the warm spot

Event Date

Dec 19, 2023

Damn it was cold. I mean the temp was not bad but add the dang wind and it was DAMN COLD! So we have a plan… Run around this AO and try to find a warm spot.

FNG1 – Bowser

FNG2 – Mounds


  • Run a small lap around parking lot and circle around the fountain
  • SSH x20
  • Slow Windmill x10
  • Slow Deep Squat x10
  • Slippery Dip Cant x10

The Thang

  • Grab Some Bench
    • Inclined Merkins x10
    • Dips x10
    • Decline Merkins x10
    • Step-ups 10 each leg
  • Run to the schoolhouse wall and partner up
    • P1: Run around the large island
    • P2: People’s Chair with angle touch
    • Switch-a-roo
    • P1: Run around the large island
    • P2: People’s Chair with seal clap
    • Switch-a-roo
    • P1: Run around the large island
    • P2: Rocky Balboa
    • Switch-a-roo
    • P1: Run around the large island
    • P2: Preying Mantis
    • Switch-a-roo
  • Run to the front of the church paved circle
    • P1:Run around circle till they find partner
    • P2: Lunges
    • Switch-a-roo
    • P1:Run around circle till they find partner
    • P2: Bear Crawl
    • Switch-a-roo
    • P1:Run around circle till they find partner
    • P2: Lunges
    • Switch-a-roo


Pass Mary around starting with the young ones


  • Always great trying to out run a bunch of 16 year boys!
  • Prayers for Frogger to get his breathing under control and feel better
  • Prayers for Toby’s daughter, Eva, for quick healing

Age stats for nerds

With three 16 year olds we had a median age of 32