Finding Your Purpose and Other Truths Spoken at Dragon Slayer

Event Date

Apr 27, 2023

An unconventional approach to the backblast for this morning’s workout at Dragon Slayer will start in reverse order; a heartfelt prayer offered up by Moses in our CoT on finding purpose in this often crazy world.  It was with gratitude and personal conviction that Moses offered up thanks to his Sky Q for giving him ways to find purpose on a daily basis.  (The Sky Q is F3’s term for a man’s higher power-this varies among men).   A core belief within F3 is that every man must find his purpose, and it’s only then, that men can truly accelerate in other areas of their life and live out their full potential.  The rest of the backblast is just formalities so you can stop reading now if you’d like.

The new Dragon Slayer location off of Verhoeff Drive in southeast Huntersville is fertile ground for numerous reasons. Not only does it have solid outdoor gym equipment, a natural turf soccer field, and a nice paved trail (approximately 1/4 mile) around perimeter, it’s proximity may be attractive to our North Charlotte F3 brothers on mornings when they may be looking for a change of venue.

Two unnamed 50 something PAX from Davidson (each with a different zipcode) were a bit tardy after driving to GCC this AM. YHC still super stoked that their determination forced both of them to continue south and make an appearance at Dragon Slayer.

The workout went down something like this but not exactly like this.

A brief warm-a-rama in the adjacent and well-lit parking lot included SSH, Toy Soldier, Windmill, Plank Jacks, and others including merkins IC x a random 17 which Stray seemed to like (or at least laugh at).

PAX moseyed for a full lap around the paved trail stopping at the outdoor gym area where PAX would perform 3 rounds of air squats and incline rope pull-ups.

Mosey around paved trail stopping at split rail fence for incline merkins – an exercise which we quickly found out should be forever banned at Dragon Slayer after BagBoy took a hard fall when one of the rails came loose. Glad you’re OK brother – ugh, YHC felt terrible as Q leading the PAX to this piece of “equipment” but noted and lesson learned.

Workout would continue with various exercises utilizing the bleachers at each end of the soccer field. Several sets of dips, incline merkins, and calf raises were performed, and alternating moderate sprints across the field after each round.

PAX performed a short mobility moment in the center of the soccer field.

PAX performed a final round of strength training with another 3 sets of pull-ups and air squats (10 repetitions each set)

Mosey back to starting point with another mobility moment and ending with a round of IST’s.

Recover, Recover



  • Some good mumblechatter at the start given AM-PM wearing a UNC shirt and in the presence of two NC State alums 
  • BagBoy a little bruised this morning from split rail fence incident but walked away with some good battle scars 
  • Hearing Pool Boy’s story about how he got nicknamed was epic!  Google Liberty, Jerry Falwell, Pool Boy and read the details about the scandal.  After a little reading, it seems a movie is coming out about this – hahaha – 
  • Greyhound seems to be in multiple locations at the same time as he’s crushing it with his disciplined consistency.  Awesome brother !
  • YHC encourages everyone to read Stray’s recent backblast from Dragon Slayer and ask yourself which of the 3 types of PAX are you.  Backblast is here: 2 can slay a dragon, but not the apathy monster | F3 Isotope .  Please consider being part of something great that is forming at this AO and either Q here or simply show up and talk it up among other AO’s!
  • AM-PM – thank you for your leadership at this fantastic AO – it’s awesome being a small part of something bigger than ourselves – a privilege to lead this fine morning.
  • Still need volunteers for 5/6 Habitat Project (contact Beave for more info)

  • Still need volunteers for 5/6 Curbside Cleanup in Smithville 

Humbly in Christ

