Fingers can type this but rest of arms not working so well.

Event Date

Apr 04, 2017

Back to GCC where it all started for me.  Nice to see some old friends and some new ones.  I fell asleep by halftime and woke up ready to go.  A couple old faves were bronght out ot the bag of tricks and 7 strong men joined me with great enthusiasm (signified by audible grunting).  

Warmup (at Blender?  Wait…)

Lap around the church

25 Burpees

(warm enough?)


Macedonian Phalanx

I've done a few variants of this in the past but the general idea remains the same. It's based off of the Macedonian Phalanx which Alexander the Great used to conquer the Persian Empire.  Essentially it is row upon row of spearmen with the front row horizontal and each subsequent row angled a little higher and ready to come down when the row in front falls.  

So back to fron (all with kettlebell of choice) = 

15 Skull Crushers IC – move up one parking space

15 Shoulder Press IC – move up one parking space

15 Horizontal Press IC – move up one parking space

15 Curls IC – move up one parking space

15 Upright Rows IC – move up one parking space

15 Teabag Squats IC – move up one parking space

REPEATO (all X10)

REPEATO (all X5)

Phalanx Rep Count = 360


21 Reps each circuit 

Ascending ladder 1-20 KB Swings

60 yard run

Descending ladder 20-1 Hand Release 'Mericans

60 yard run back to bell

Blackjack Rep Count = 420 (if you finished, which I think most were at least a couple short when time was called)


5 Minutes Airborne Mindbender on your family room flloor when you got home (at least that's what I did)


1. It was an honor to lead the pax today.  Didin't expect a huge crowd after UNC finished the job last night, but those who showed up were there to work.  

2. Thanks for the opportunity MQ/2ndF Q Dallas….wait where was Dallas?

3. Speaking of where was, missed seeing some of the usual GCC suspects I won't call out any names, but on the other hand it was great to see stallwarts Uncle Rico, Bunyan, BamBam and Baxter.

4. Baxter is looking lean and mean.  He participates in the running, but I can never seem to get him motivated to do reps.  Maybe if we wrap an 10 pounder in some rawhide he'll get more serious. 

5. Prayers for a safe and restorative spring break for all.

