Finkle missed the extra point

FNG-1 is Coat Factory

0530 rolls around and 9 of the 10 PAX are present… but we also had no Q. A quick check of the Calendar reveals that Finkle is on for today. Apparently he needed some rest from his vacation from last week. Or perhaps he is banking some sleep for when that baby comes in 3 months. Still I guess we must forgive him, even though he's not my neighbor… or maybe he is my neighbor. More on that in the reflection.

YHC has been wanting to pull a hero WOD back out, so it looked like a good opportunity to do just that.

10 IC Toy Soldiers
10 IC Dippy Birds

The Thing
Mosey down to the track for "The Griff" The Griff is a crossfit Hero WOD in honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle.

800 m run
400 m run backwards
800 m run
400 m run backwards

When finished run back and finish with the 6, Leave no man behind.

Partner up.
One partner goes CW and the other partner goes CCW around the track. When you meet in the middle do 20 'mericans. Go back the way you came and when you meet (Should be about where you left) do 20 squats.
Repeato but with LBC's and Monkey Humpers

60 second wall sit

Mosey over to the 100 yard flat for 100 yards of pain. Q explains 25 yards dragon walk, 25 yards lunge walk, 25 yards bear crawl and 25 yards of burpee broad jump… However we don't end up doing this as the ELHS football coach spends the next 4 minutes telling us how the field/track and basically all facilities inside the fence will be locked until the end of the month. Luckily for the PAX this took all of the remaining time before Mary Maybe he thought one of us had a key and were somehow getting in, but we haven't had a key since Coach Byus.

Mosey back to the launch pad for mary

Start with a mary-go-round
Sonar calls out LBC (We were al expecting Dr. W)
Dr Dolittle (Monkey humpers) (Still waiting to feel this in the abs)
Coat Factory (Pretzel Crunch)
Crabby Patty (WWI's)
…and time

YHC had asked our resident pastor for a summary of yesterday's message all the while knowing this was a risk of the reflection lasting 40 minutes. Let it be known that ThunderClub summarized an entire sermon in about 90 seconds. From his Summer on the Mount series. Yesterday's message was about forgiveness and Matthew Chapter 5 (Sermon on the mount) and forgiveness of your neighbor and how we spend way too much time defending how someone isn't our neighbor so we don't have to forgive them while they are actually our neighbors. The sermon isn't on the website yet, but if you go here you can find it later I assume this link may work eventualy