Firefighter Training – Part 1 – The Volunteer

Bonanza, STP, Overboard, Mr Miyagi

Pre-work out – Tiny stopped by The Green during his training run.  He's getting ready for a 4-man Tuna.  That is not a misprint.

Reminisce about Fire Marshall Bill.  Warned about Coyote Girls.

YHC got the Bullpen call with Grouch on the IR.  Fortunately, it is National Fire Prevention week and the PAX was up for a public service demonstration.  Firefighter training launched at The Green at 7 pm by Sweatshop:  Lake Norman's premier nighttime workout.


20xSSH, 20xIST, 10xMer, 10xMC, stretch, and then FIRE DRILL on fire ant free surface (stop, drop, roll each way, 1 merkin per side)

The Thang

Volunteer Firefighter Test 1 – HIIT – high intensity interval training

Run to hill behind new town hall.  Pair up in firefighter buddy system.  Timed event.  10xSquat, sprint Hill/stairs, 10xMer, low crawl back down below smoke to tag buddy.  Each buddy X 5 flights.  Score:  PASS

Up to parking lot, circle up for fire ant free FIRE DRILL.  PAX faster this time.  Something mumble mumble gravel.

Volunteer Firefighter Test 2 – Pole drill

Run to pull-up bars.  Same buddies, but buddy 2 starts first.  Timed event.  5xPullup, sprint to swing set for buddy tag and poles it.  Each buddy X 5 flights.  Score:  PASS

Over to parking lot, circle up for fire ant free FIRE DRILL. PAX slower, gravel bigger.

Volunteer Firefighter Test 3 – carrying heavy stuff up stairs

Run to DUMC.  Grab gigantic concrete blocks.  Farmer carry to stairs.  Timed event. Buddy 1 up first.  10xcurl, up stairs, 10xOverhead press, down stairs to tag buddy.  Each buddy X 5 flights.  Score:  Marginal pass, some blocks touched earth.  Penalty:  20 dips

Volunteer Fighter Test 4 – SDR – stop drop and roll

Run to Davidson Fire Station 1.  Circle up.  FIRE DRILL marathon performance for public.  PAX was tight on 4 of 5 drills.  On 1 drill, not named rolled left when not named rolled right and pillow talk resulted.  Nonetheless this is Volunteer duty so PAX admitted to fraternity of Firefighters.  Davidson firewoman awards honorary fire dog to PAX as new mascot.  

Back to The Green for 2 minutes of Mary followed by COT.  Prayed for First Responders and Hawkeye grandson #2: Noah

Post-work out:  Strong showing by PAX at Summit to enjoy a pretty good band.  Duvall and The Hangover checked in.  





