First Aid Trivia at The Wilderness

Event Date

Oct 29, 2020

7x of LKN's finest came out to the Wilderness this AM to get fit and learn facts about First Aid.  Hopefully, known of what they learned this morning will be needed but best to be prepared.


Mosey over to the new slippery plastic basketball court with no basketball hoops due to the non-residents trashing the court and breaking any signs that said residents only.  

10x IC Slo Windmill, Cotton Pickers, IST, and Toy Soldier

The Thang

Mosey over to the cul-de-sac next to the soccer field, and YHC found he didn't have his winkie.  

Mosey over to YHC's vehicle to retrieve his phone for an electronic backup copy of said winkie. 

Mosey down to Queen's corner, passing Kotters Storm Chaser on the way. 

Ran a few questions through the Pax at Queen's corner and then up to the Weight Room for most of the workout with a quick trip around the traffic circle to break things up.  

The Trivia Questions for the morning were as follows: 

1st Aid Trivia

  1. When coming on a first aid scene, the first thing you should do is
    1. Check to see what is wrong
    2. Check to see they may have COVID 19
    3. Check the scene for Danger – C
  2. What are the ABCs of CPR? – Airway, Breathing, and C –
    1. Circulation  -A
    2. Check for Clammy Skin
    3. Keep the person Calm
  3. What is the first step in controlling bleeding?
    1. A – Have the victim Sit Down – A
    2. B – Direct pressure
    3. C – Elevation
    4. D – Tourniquet
  4. What is the maximum time a tourniquet should be left on?   
    1. 1 hr
    2. 2 Hrs  – B
    3. 3 hrs
    4. – Write down the time the tourniquet was applied to the tourniquet itself.
  5. What is the 5 and 5 method the Red Cross recommends for choking?
    1. Abdominal thrusts for 5 minutes, then 5 back blows
    2. 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts – B
    3. 5 ab thrusts, wait 5 secs, then 5 more
  6. How wide should a tourniquet be to prevent localized damage to nerve tissues?
    1. 1”
    2. 1.5" – B
    3. 2”
  7. A tourniquet that is NOT tight enough can actually end up increasing blood loss over no tourniquet at all.  True
  8. For proper tightness, how many fingertips should you be able to slip between the band and the limb?
    1. 1 finger
    2. 2 fingers – B
    3. 3 fingers
  9. NEVER loosen or remove a tourniquet once applied, they should only be removed by a doctor in a hospital setting. True or False
  10. For sprains, what are the four components of R I C E?
    1. Rest
    2. Ice
    3. Compression
    4. E is for… 
      1. Exercise
      2. Elevation – B
      3. Exempt from working out
  11. What is something helpful you can give to a person who might be having a heart attack?
    1. Aspirin -A
    2. Coffee
    3. Tylenol
  12. What is the universal sign for choking?
    1. Mouth wide open, tongue out
    2. Index finger pointing to the mouth
    3. Both hands to the throat – C
  13. What is the proper ration of chest compressions to breaths in CPR
    1. 10 to 1
    2. 15 to 2
    3. 30 to 2 – C
  14. For an insect stuck in someone’s ear, you can pour a slow, warm stream of blank to float the  insect out.
    1. WATER
    3. TEA
    4. VINEGAR
  15. What is the number for the National Poison Control Center?
    1. 911
    2. 1800-222-1222 – C
    3. 1800-448-4488

Moseyed back through Queen's Corner to the Whoville tree for a quick forward fold and then…


Recover, recover. 


Damp Moleskin 


YHC found his winkie on the stairs when he got back home.  Lot of good printing that out did!


Toxic – YHC gave Toxic a ride on the way up to the AO.  Only took YHC about 5 mins to find the door unlock button in the Titan, the only switch in the entire cockpit that does not have a backlight.  


Ultraman got the Aspirin for heart attack right, but don't give Ultraman Aspirin because it is lethal to him.  Good to know!


Frontier – Solide work all day.  YHC ran into him at Costco on Sunday and barely recognized him with his mask on.  Can't get out of there without spending a fortune. 


Soprano got most of the questions right this morning, only problem was, he was outvoted with wrong answers by the other Pax thus awarding everyone with lots of burpees.  They must care about his fitness. 


Amen rolled in right on time, while Jorel showed up about a minute late.  What time does the 0530 workout start? 


Good times had by all, hopefully we learned something and can help save a life one day, or even better, never need to use it and everyone stays safe and healthy.  


See you in the gloom, TG sends, 
