First NightRanger for THM… That was NICE!

Event Date

May 18, 2016

4 PAX gathered for Night Ranger and Silver Bullet had reluctantly relinquished the Q to YHC. Since it was my first time in attendance and Q at Night Ranger, I didn't know how the PAX would respond or what level we needed to be at. Once finished I realized those that post at Night Ranger are determined to get better. Here is how it went down.

Begin running to the top of DPK parking deck. Circle up before the last ramp for 10-SSH IC, 10-Windmill IC, 10-IST IC and 10-Lunges IC.

Since I read that it's one of the best workouts a runner can do, we decided to Bear Crawl up the last ramp.

Run back to bottom of parking deck to benches outside and knock-out 10-Derkins IC.

Begin loop by running down past Crafty Beer Guy, to park at Corner of Greenway St. & Dallas St. 15-Step-ups IC on park picnic benches. 

Complete first loop by running up Dallas St., then up Hillcrest to Gilead and back to DPK launch.

15-LBCs IC, 25-Flutter Kicks IC

Perform loop backwards running down Gilead, to Hillcrest and then over to Dallas St. park.

10-Squats IC

Finish loop running up Greenway St., past Crafty to the DPK launch.

Complete 2mins of plank positions.

Last loop back past Crafty, down Greenway, up Dallas, up Hillcrest, up Gilead and back to launch.

Finished right at 45mins! 

Total distance covered was 3.43miles


Awesome work by Tweetsie, Freedom and JockStrap. A lot of BRR training taking place. You all are going to crush it. 

Freedom may have some reservations about me after offering up the Bear Crawl as part of the warm-up. Trust me man, I read it on the internet!

There is a lot to do around the AO and for those that get FiA'd or need a double-down, this is your spot! Get to NightRanger and step-up to Q if you haven't already.

Thanks Bullet for allowing me to jump in and Tweetsie for taking us out. Weather was awesome, but the fellowship was even better. As always, I appreciate the F3 Brothers for making me better and providing me the strength to push beyond my self-imposed limits.