First of Three Surprise Q’s in Mattress City

Also, World Wide Leader from Rock Hill. His brother was the FNG, since it was a 4 year EH and WWL came up to Race City, we broke naming protocol. Welcome Tricycle.

I had a plan, The Pendulum. However given last night's deluge I figured the Pendulum would be a muddy mess so opted for my standard "On The Road" workout…The Deck of Pain. Seeing as this all came about on my drive up to Truck City, I had to make a quick stop at Walgreen's to grab a deck of cards. Never a good idea to bring a brand new deck for this routine…too many Hearts in a row.

After the usual Disclaimer, then the Davidson Disclaimer "…mumblechatter shall be kept to a minimum and all of you will recieve a hug at the end…", Lear lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Nice touch, men.

A quick mosey to the "upper" parking lot to warm up with SSH's, The Burpee, IST's, The Burpee, Cotton Picker's, and The Burpee. I had to bring a little TPR to the action so we did a little stretching, this really seemed to confuse the Hill People. Next time I'm really going to blow their minds and do some yoga!. Out came the deck of cards and disclaimer #2, "I will screw up the suit exercises and the counts, and it will get worse the further into the workout we get."

Spades = Squats

Diamonds = Merkins (done IC)

Clubs = LBC's (done IC)

Hearts = Everybody's favorite…Burpees

Jacks are 11, Queens 12, Kings 13 and Aces are not 1 but 14

Sure enough, pretty early I screwed up the suit exercises, Spades became LBC's and Clubs were squats. I screwed up the IC counts twice. Strutter was the only one to notice the first time, but everyone caught me the second time.

We did a few moseys so we could catch our breath and I left the Jokers in the deck which were Airborne Mindbenders.

We got through the whole deck and had a few minutes left over for Mary.

For those of you counting at home we did 104 Merkins and Burpees, 208 Squats and LBC's.


  • Strutter, thank you for inviting me to Q and keeping it a surprise in spite of Rent-A-Cop wearing you out trying to find out who was Q'ing.
  • Missing from action this morning was Big Mean and Man Hands, thus I was almost treated kindly.
  • It's nice to have someone enjoy Burpees as much as I do, thanks Contra.
  • Lear is a beast, 70 years old and I don't think he modified as much as some of the younger pax.
  • Naming Tricycle took almost 5 minutes, I'm not sure why outside of too many side discussions about Gibbs Racing and Matt somebody. This NASCAR stuff is a foriegn language to TPR.
  • Crack and Chainsaw joined us for coffeteria. A first, more guys at coffeteria than at the workout.
  • I say it every time I Q, what an honor to lead and start my day with such of fine group of men.



TPR Ambassador