YHC cannot recall the last time he led an actual bootcamp, if only there were a website that tracked all this info so he could find out… (insert thinking emoji and laughing emoji here)
Mosey to Cornelius-Lemley Fire Station 1 for COP
- SSH IC x 20
- IST IC x 20
- Toy Soldier IC x 20
- The Dwight Schrute aka the Cotton Picker aka the Jolly Roger IC x 15
- Pledge of Allegiance led by the Gnarly one
Mosey to Cashion's Rail for Partner Exercises
- Partner 1 Dip, Partner 2 Incline Merkin x 10 (flapjack then repeato)
- Partner 1 Pistol Squat, Partner 2 Decline Merkin x 10 (flapjack then repeato on other leg)
Mosey to Cornelius Town Hall (Ealy Voting was not open yet)
- Partner 1 Squat, Partner 2 Run a lap (flapjack until 100 squats by the team)
- Partner 1 Low Flutter, Partner 2 Run a lap (flapjack until 200 flutters by the team)
- After 200 Low Flutters that partner began lunge walking around the back of Town Hall
- Flapjack until we reached the other corner of Town Hall
Mobility Moment led by the Gnarly One
- Downward Dog
- Dive Bomb Merkin
- Plank
- Pigeon
Mosey to Railing on Kadi Fit Hill
- Partner 1 incline Merkin, Partner 2 down the hill and back (flapjack)
- Partner 1 decline Merkin, Partner 2 down the hill and back (flapjack)
- Partner 1 Aussie pull-ups, Partner 2 down the hill and back (flapjack)
Mosey to Walgreen's
- People's Chair + Shoulder Press IC x 15
- 10 second count
- People's Chair + Shoulder Press IC x 10
Mosey Back to HT Parking Lot for MARY Round Robin
- LBC IC x 20 (YHC)
- The W IC x 10 (Moses)
- Suzanne Somers aka Jane Fonda IC x 15 (L&R) (Hippie)
- Hand Release Merkin IC x 10 (Gnarly Goat)
- Freddie Mercury IC x 20 (Cousin Eddie)
- Glute Bride + One-Legged Glute Bridge (L&R) (Canuck)
- Plank for 60 seconds (YHC)
- Solid performance by the PAX. Quality mumblechatter, very little complaining, and great 2ndF @ Dunkin where I think we solved the World's Problems. Most of them. Still gotta figure out that Pythagorean theorem and why it's only a theorem.
- Baker's dozen was a manageable # and 2 runners (my BB Prime-Time and 8-Track) even joined in the fun then I think still run 5 miles afterwards. Guess I need to increase the reps next time. Oh, and PT did legs before joining us. Sorry for the lunge walk and people's chair bro.
- Q police were out. It's "Exercise" not "Begin" when you start an exercise. Who knew? Do we stil do Q School? Does Sweet C still lead those?
- Get out there and VOTE people! Early voting started today and goes until end of the month I am pretty sure. I don't care who you vote for just vote. If you don't vote then don't complain about the people in office.
- Free Pass out.