First Ride of the Season

Event Date

Jan 28, 2023

With a beautiful mid 50 degree, sunny day called for – Hippie reached out to see who was up for a ride around the Peninsula.  3 Pax answered including FNG1 who is CHUM.

Warm-a-rama: We gathered in the HT parking lot and were blessed with a fly by from Omaha as he showed off his fat tire gem from Costco.  

The Thang – we rode a modified Drafthouse route.  Three of us were knocking off the rust from the offseason – while Chum was in mid-season form following a month in South Africa where he put in a lot of miles and hung out at a lot of coffee shops.  He pushed the pace from the jump and pulled us along.  

Kudos to Primo and Hippie for riding after hitting a Soprano Q’d Bedrock earlier in the day.

Total miles = 18.5  Pace was conversational despite Chum’s best efforts.  We skipped the Mollypop hill but hit Belle Isle.  Leaving a little something for the next outing.  

Post ride beer at the Drafthouse was a great way to cap off the post.