Fission hit by an adrenaline rush freight train

5:29 Disclaimer provided

5:30 Train left the JV Washam Depot

Ran a lap around bus parking lot with butt kickers, R Carioca, L carioca, and high knees mixed in.

Quickly circled for SSH IC 15x

Then we did a dynamic walking warm up which included walking hamstring march, cradle walk, and hip rotation walk.

Next we began our tour of Fission AO

Mosey to Station 1: Wall squats with Air press IC 20x, Seal Clap IC 20x

Quick Mosey to Station 2: Dips on Bench IC 20x

Quick Mosey to Station 3: Pull ups 20x OYO

Quick Mosey to Station 4: Plank Jacks IC 20x

Repeato of Stations but 15x IC

Next Partner Work

Partner on back squats 15x/partner, Partner 1 carries partner 2 on back across parking lot, partner 1&2 handstand push ups 15x, partner 2 carries partner 1 on back across parking lot

Partner 1 Thread the needle (side plank with top arm coming down reaching under body) AMRAP Partner 2 walking lunges down to 2nd basketball goal then run back to partner 1. Switch. Then performed second time so we didn’t leave out other arm and obliques.

Partner 1 Leg throw downs 15x, switch, then patti cake merkins 15x, Repeato.

Next basketball suicide

1st goal 10 merkins, 2nd goal 20 mountain climbers, 3rd goal 30 squats, 4th goal 40 LBCs

Then traditional suicide to each basketball goal.

Finally the Mary.

Low Flutter IC 15x, pretzel crunch IC 15x/side, mason twist IC 15x, and then Amen lead us out with J Lo’s IC 20x

Recover Recover


Circled up for Prayer led by Titan.

Thanks for joining me. For those wondering about my heart rate it average 155 during our workout according to my watch.

Cousin Eddie
