Fission Rock around the Block

Fission Rock around the Block

A Dirty Baker’s Dozen (13) did a rock around the block in Cornelius at Fission this morning.

Mosey around the parking lot.

Warm Up

  • SSHx25
  • Windmillx10
  • ISTx10
  • Toy Soldierx10
  • Dwight Schrutex10

Mosey to the other side of the tracks and grab two river rocks. As we crossed the tracks you could hear “He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin” booming from Scappy’s speaker, which was very ominous of how the Q would go today, Hahaha

River Rock Legs and Shoulders:

  • Squat and Chicken Wing x20
  • Lunge and Curl x 20
  • Calf Raise and Skull Crushers x 20
  • Peoples Chair and Moroccan Night Clubx50

Most had bailed halfway through the BS of MNC, but I think I saw Moses and Jersey Boy hanging in there. Well done!

Run over to the Halls of Justice for some stair work

  • Muhammad Alix20
  • Inclined ‘Mericansx10
  • Decline ‘Mericansx10
  • Run up the Steps
  • Rocky Jumps at the top 10 times OYO, yes King Fish I did count, so not really OYO
  • Slow Squatx20
  • Run down the steps
  • Muhammad Alix20
  • Inclined ‘Mericansx10
  • Decline ‘Mericansx10

Run down Catawba to the wall in front of the church for 3 sets of the following:

  • Dipsx10
  • Sep ups OYO 10 each leg
  • Incline ‘Mericansx10

Run to the Rock pile (Dang that is farther than I thought) and triangle up around the Whoville Tree and sing “Fah who doraze, Dah who doraze”, no we did rock work

  • Squatsx10
  • Bent over roxx10
  • Curlx10
  • Front Pressx10
  • Skull Crusherx10
  • Chest Press Low Flutterx10

Back to the start down 115 lead by Canuck and Moses.


PAX took care of Mary


Great crew this morning who helped a Q challenged PAX. Got off the rails before I even got started, thankfully Canuck was there to help with time keeping and Moses was there to remind me of the six. There was a plan, but execution was a bit challenging this morning.

At least I didn’t lock my keys in the car. Next time take the scooter Rascal, Hahaha

When I mapped this out, I didn’t account for distance. I love rock work, but we need to move these closer. Sorry to make a liar out of Canuck who promised no running and make this into a running workout. Also sorry to King Fish and Smores who rightfully pointed out that there was a hill on the way back. We just had that installed this week in the interest of your fitness.

I couldn’t locate Besue on the website so you are listed as FNG-1. This could be another Q fail, so DM me your proper name and I will add you.

Coffee afterwards where we solved all of the World’s problems with Scrappy, Moses, Bagboy, Jersey Boy and Racal.

Thank you, Cousin Eddie for allowing me to Q and to all of my F3 Brothers for keeping me motivated.
