Fission – Wet, But Not Watered Down

Event Date

Aug 03, 2023


11 men congregated in the Antiquity gloom to get after it.  The threat of rain was no deterrent, as the pax were eager to get after it (well, most of them).  YHC came with a plan – that I promptly tossed in favor of a little more variety and less cadence.  Here’s what we did:

Mosey around HT, then circle up at the launch point for warm-o-rama (IST, ToySoldier, LongSnapper, Windmill).

Mosey to Mt. Zion Church for some count of:

Burpees, Low flutter, DryDocks, MasonTwist, ReverseLunge, LBC, and more Burpees.  Mosey around the driveway loop.

Partner up for DORA (100 Mericans, 200 Squats, 300 LBC as a team)

Mosey back to launch, with knee to chest, quad pull, and lateral lunges along the way.

People’s chair with Touch them Heels. PrayingMantis. Mosey to the opposite side of HT for ReachUps, JLo, and Monkey Humpers.

Mosey back to launch for some hamstring and groin stretches.

Recover, recover.


Great crowd this morning, with quite a few pax I haven’t seen in a while (probably my fault). Nearly 2 miles and plenty of reps.

A few highlights: Titan rolled up a couple minutes late but we waited, Travolta still has dance moves, MacBeth’s got jokes, and Primo brought an FNG (Joe) that lives next door to Thug! Eeyore still loves burpees, saw BoarHog twice in a week, Possum talked up the Hope House event, and Canuck took us out.  Everybody was thankful for the rain!

Great showing at coffeeteria, too.  Hope you all had fun!